Lost again

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Looking back at this town, I've always wondered why I was so used to cold weather especially when I was just a kid. I guess now I knew why.

"You're powers are originated from a demon. Demons are strange creatures that existed centuries ago. The demon you have is one of the most powerful creatures in the underworld. Aliza, the demon of Manipulation.", said Dalton.

"So that's the demon I possess?", I asked.


"Wow, Tatsuo-san! That's amazing!", said Vivi-chan.

"No wonder your face looks different when you fight.", mumbled Usopp."

I turned to Amon as he slept. It is a bit weird for me to have demon powers. Especially a powerful one. Oh, well. We all learn something new, I guess.

"I'm heading out."


"Don't worry, I'm just going for a walk. Nothing too out of the ordinary. C'mon Amon."

Amon lifted his head and got up to stretch out his legs and wings then followed me out the door. We were looking for the witch doctor in the town she was just in. Turns out she was heading over to Gyasta. What a shame really.

As I was heading towards Big Horn, it wasn't even close to the ship, a black bull ran past me. I didn't think much of it and walked into the forest. Amon jumped on my shoulders and fell asleep. He may love the snow, but he also sleeps in cold weather.

Once I got to a road, I saw that an avalanche was heading out way.

"Well, shit...."

Next thing I knew, Amon and I were under a pile of snow. It was kinda cozy. Amon dug our way out and saw that Zoro was there. So was Vivi and Usopp.



"Ah, Vivi."

I looked to see that Usopp's face was swollen. Amon climbed on top of him and licked his face.

"Oh, you must be Usopp. What the hell are you three doing here?", asked Zoro.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!", shouted Vivi and Usopp.







"Ice swimming??"

"Yeah, and I surprisingly saw some fish swimming in the freezing water so I thought it'd be cool to chase after it. But then afterwards, I got lost so I started walking one direction and before I knew it, I got lost in this forest.", he said.

"How stupid can you get?", asked Usopp.

"Whatever, just lend me your coat, Usopp."

"Oh hell no."

"Then at least your boots! Even a single one'll do!", cried Zoro.

"Tough luck buddy!"

"Look! Theres a whole group of people gathered there!", said Vivi.

"Hey, those houses look familiar..", said Usopp.

"Ah, your right! Then that means, we're at Big Horn Village! We must've come back where we started!", said Vivi.

"Let's go check it out. Something seems off..", I said.

We rushed over there. There was a large pile of snow from the avalanche up front. I walked over to the villagers.

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