Sky Island

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(Third person pov)

''So, there was no Captain John's treasure..'' mumbled Mohji.

''Hey, show some more tact, you idiot!'' scolded Cabaji, ''Our captain just got the wrong island! Are you trying to get him all red-faced?!''

''WHO'S SAYING I HAVE A BIG RED NOSE?! HUH?!" shouted Buggy angrily.

''With 100 million and 60 million bounties, Straw Hat and Pirate Hunter Zoro have already become full-fledged pirates here in the Grand Line,'' said Mohji.

''Let those flashy idiots dance as much as they want,'' huffed Buggy.

''Huh? What do you mean, captain?'' asked Mohji.

''Consider it like a witch,'' he said, ''When a witch eats children, she fattens up! Get where I'm going with this?''

Mohji and Cabaji shook their heads. 

''So when the Straw Hat's bounty rises..''

''Ah! I get it! Then the higher your bounty will be when you kill him!''

''Exactly!'' laughed Buggy.

As the Buggy Pirates celebrated their boss's amazing tactics, meanwhile with the Straw Hats, they had successfully made it to Sky Island and are now resting along the shore. They all had gotten down from their ship to enjoy the fluffy clouds on their toes.

''There's no way the marines can follow us here!'' said Nami, ''We can finally relax! It's been so long since we went to a beach!''

''Yeah, since we've only been stopping at ports,'' said Luffy, ''This is the captain speaking, there so much fun stuff, I don't know what to do first, over!''

''This is Usopp, How about we take a break?'' he asked.

''Take a break? Not bad! Rejected!!'' shouted Luffy.


''Wow! These chairs are made of clouds! They must have been crafting techniques to make things out of clouds!'' said Nami.

''Wow! But this is a little different from those fluffy clouds! It's a little hard!'' said Chopper.

''NAMI-SWAN, YOUR FLOWER~~~~~!'' shouted Sanji.

As they enjoyed their time in the cloudy beach, a sound of a harp was being played and catched their attention.

''Hey! There's someone over there!!''

''Is it another guerilla?!''

''Whistle! Where's the whistle?!''

''Are you guys from the blue sea?''

''We flew up here from the bottom. Do you live here?'' asked Luffy.

''Yes, I live here,'' said the mysterious woman., ''I'm Conis. If you have any problems, please let me know.''

''Yes, I have a problem,'' said Sanji, ''Your gaze burns a hole in my heart---''

''Go away!'' scolded Nami, ''There are so many things we want to know. To start with, everything here is so strange to us---"

"Hey, something's coming from the sea!" Shouted Zoro.

"It's a slug!" Shouted Luffy.

"Ah, it's my dad!" Said Conis

"Conis-san! Heso!" Said the father.

"Heso, father!!" She greeted back.

"What is he riding on?"

"It looks so cool!"

"Oh, that's a waver!" Explained Conis.

Once the father had landed, very poorly in fact, he began to introduce himself.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Pagaya. I am so sorry," said Pagaya.

"No, no! It's alright," said Nami.

"Perfect timing, I just finished fishing! I caught the most delicious food in the White-White Sea!" He said, "They are called Sky Lobsters! Please come to my home! I will treat you to the sky's happiness!"







(Meanwhile, back at Mocktown)

"C'mon, Tatsuo~" cooed Bellamy, "It'll be fun~!"

"I said no, you Doflamingo loving bastard!!" She shouted.

"Now, now, let's not be so vulgar," said Frigg, "Bellamy, if Tatsuo says no, it means no."

"I don't care! I want her in my crew!" He protested.

"Yeah, just for you to ask for a lap dance and a blow job!!!" Snarled Tatsuo.

"Tatsuo!" Shouted Frigg.

"You know how these kids are, Frigg!" Tatsuo shouted.

"We-well yes, but--"

"Great, now that's settled, if you'll excuse me, I have to go feed Amon."

Tatsuo finally walked away from the Tavern and back to Crickets place. As she made her way there, she began to remember how good she made him feel.

"Augh~! Fu-fucking hell~ Ta-tsuo~!"

"Oh god~! This feels so good~"

"Fu-fuck! N-not so rough!

"Mhmmm~ Oh this feels so fucking good~!! I love this thick, juicy cock inside me~!!"

"Ngh! Go... Gonna cum!"

"Yes~! Dump all that cum inside me~!! Cr-cricket~!!"

"A-ahhh~ Cu-cumming~!!!"

"Augh~!! Fucking hell~!! Yes, yes, yes~!!!"

She laughed softly as she felt her little cunt twitch as she remembered his size. It wasn't like all the other ones, but he lasted more than a few hours and kept going.

'Maybe I should fuck him again~' she thought.

As she finally walked inside his home, she laid on his bed finally taking off her clothes to rest. She placed two fingers inside her pussy and moved back and forth moaning softly.

"Mmm~ yes~"

She looked at Cricket as he walked inside and his eyes widened then let out a heavy sigh.

"Horny again?" He asked.

Tatsuo felt a grin form on her face as she laid on her stomach sticking her ass out in the air wanting him to stick his member inside her. He let out another sigh and took off his pants and walked over to her with his already hardened member and shoved himself inside her.

"O-oh fuck~!" She gasped.

He moved his hips back and forth pushing his cock in and out of her tight wet pussy slapping his balls against her lips. She bit her lips feeling his cock thrusting inside her. Her moans grew louder as Frigg slithered towards Cricket's home.

She felt quite disgusted and annoyed by Tatsuo's actions. Sometimes she wonders why Tatsuo even began to sleep with men for money. Then again, Tatsuo is a grown adult who can make her own decisions.

But this one... was not what Frigg approved off, especially with Tatsuo's sex drive up to the roof. She can hear her moans and skin slapping just from a few kilometers. Oh, how she wishes that Tatsuo finds Buggy and have children with him soon.

Perhaps they will meet up again and finally get serious and start a family of their own. Just like Whitebeard and her parents have always told her about.


Hope you enjoyed reading!

1037 words

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