Mr. Prince

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I felt sick to the stomach just walking with Crocodile and his assistant. I had to do what I thought was right. I will make sure Crocodile pays for what he's done for Alabasta. This rebellion is honestly stupid at this point. Fighting over something they can't control is wrong. These people are brainwashed. 


''A call?''


''Hello? Hello? Can you hear me?''

''Yes, I can hear you.''

''Is... Is this thing on? I never used a mini den den mushi before. Hello? Oh. Nothing's wrong. I can talk just fine.''

''You on the den den mushi! Spit it out quickly! What are you reporting?!" questioned Crocodile.

''Ah. I recognize that voice. Hello again. This is restaurant Le Crap.''

Sanji? I guess he has a plan to save the others. 

''Restaurant Le Crap?''

''Oh, by the tone of your voice, it seems you remember me too! I'm touched really.''

''Just who the hell are you?!'' shouted Crocodile in a menacing tone.

''Me? Well... Call me Mr. Prince.''

''Well, where are you know, Mr. Prince?''

''Oh, I can't tell you that. If I did, you'd come to kill me, wouldn't you?''

I decided to walk ahead with Amon. Crocodile and his assistant was too busy to even notice that I was gone. We managed to head outside the casino and that was where I saw Sanji getting attacked by some weakling.

''Amon, sick 'em.''

I watched as Amon ran and attacked the man. I quickly rushed over to Sanji.

''You alright, Sanji?!"

''TATSUO-SAN!~ YOU'RE OKAY!~'' he shouted happily.

''Sanji, I need you to listen carefully... could you do that for me?''

He nodded.

''I am going to pretend to work for Crocodile in order to get more information on what his plan is. Once I do, I will send Amon with a letter over his collar to your location.''

''Alright, please be safe, Tatsuo-san.''

''You too, Sanji-kun..''

I kneeled down and kissed his forehead and watched as Sanji fought against Crocodiles minions. I quickly watched as he disappeared into the casino.

''You-.... you're... with those..-''

''Do you want to die right here and now, mortal...?''

I watched as they shook their head. I looked behind me and saw Crocodile and his assistant arrive just this time.

''Took you long enough...''

''What happened here? YOU TELL ME, NOW!!!'', he shouted.

''Some... guy named... Mr. Prince... did this...'', mumbled one of his minions.

''Where did he go?''

''H-He headed.... south from the town.... just now...''

''Just now!?''

I watched as Crocodile use his power to catch Mr. Prince. I nearly began to laugh at how stupid he was. Sanji was probably inside helping the others out by now. I just hope that Luffy didn't let that marine live. Then again, he has a good heart. That's the only thing I never really understood about him. I have to admit, he is still a child. He is able to forgive and forget. I can't. I hate the sight of marines especially after what they did to my family. How can I move on from that? I've always been told to forgive people for your own sake. Mostly from my mother. I never followed through it. 

I managed to sneak away from Crocodile and his subordinate with Amon. I couldn't stand being in the same place as him. He reeked of expensive cologne. Don't get me wrong, perfume and cologne have a beautiful scent, but his was too much.

''Looks like he hasn't cracked yet...''

'That is not true...~'


'Crocodile wants to use a very powerful but ancient weapon to take control of this island... such a dirty move really... toying with people's lives is quite interesting but also  boring...~'

''Let me guess, he needs to find this location?'' I asked.

'Yes...~ He needs to enter the king's palace and take him hostage in order to find the location of the ancient weapon.... or might I say..... the Ponoglyphs...~'


'They are ancient stones that were written many, many years ago. They are all in hidden locations in parts of the world... That weapon was used once but was later covered up by those people you hate so much, Tatsuo...~~'

''Might as well tell Luffy and the others about this...'' I mumbled softly.

'Shall I tell you what he will do?~'

''No. I could find out for myself.... I know he will fight and win against Crocodile. I won't step in for him. I will let him grow into a true man and fighter and become the King of Pirates,'' I said.







(3rd person pov)

Luffy and the others managed to escape the large sea prism cage thanks to the help of Princess Vivi. The entire place was flooded once Crocodile and his assistant showed up along with Tatsuo and Amon. She felt herself grin seeing that the cage was open and a male body floating on the water with a note.

''See ya later, dumbass-gator? Now, that's a bit childish,'' she chuckled.

''You find this amusing?!'' shouted Crocodile.

''Of course, don't forget I still hate you...'' she growled softly glaring at him, ''Though, I am grateful that you're actually willing to let me even work alongside you and your assistant..''

He hummed in response.

''Let's go. We still got a lot of things to discuss after I take over this entire kingdom,'' he said as he began to walk away.

As she watched as he walked ahead, she looked at the assistant.

''Why do you work for someone like him?''

''I honestly don't care about what he does to this place, as long as I get to fulfill his goal, then I am satisfied,'' she said.

''You know, I have heard what happened to ya, Robin. I guess I can relate to your situation, but you can never trust someone from the Marines or from the World Government. Those bastards are nothing but power hungry people who would even kill the innocent to get what they want,'' Tatsuo looked at Robin in the eyes, ''That is the reason why I will let my little brother beat the shit out of him in order to protect this island. I never understood what is going on in that head of his, but when the time comes, he will even save you from your fate. That's a promise.''

Robin chuckled softly.

''How can a mere child like him be this persistent in saving this place or anyone from that matter?'' she asked.

Tatsuo shrugged.

''He's a lucky kid. I've known him since he was just a kid. My own cousin lost an arm in order to save him. My brother made a promise that he'd become just like Rodger, and I will help him accomplish his goal. Don't be surprised when he overpowers that bastard.''

Tatsuo and Robin followed behind Crocodile after their moment of silence. Tatsuo really had faith in Luffy and his friends despite their idiotic behavior. They're the reason why she hasn't left their ship just like all the others in the past.


1111 words

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