The Odd Island

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I stared down as Amon pressed Doflamingo firmly against the ground. Amon bared his large canines, and Bellamy stared up at Frigg and me in shock.

"T-Tatsuo, Frigg, what are you doing?" asked Bellamy.

"So, you've come back to wreak havoc, Doflamingo?" I asked.

"Hah! Tatsuo, I see you haven't changed one bit," Doflamingo laughs, "And my lovely Frigg, how are you on this fine evening? Did you miss me?"

"Why would I miss the man that killed my lover?" she retorts.

"Oh, Frigg, don't be that way!" he pouts, "I had your best interest at heart!"

"If you call torturing those kids her best interest, then why don't I just have Amon kill you right now?!" I shouted, "Amon!"

Amon growls low and heavily as his jaw opens to meet Doflamingo's head.

"Wait! Stop, Tatsuo, you don't have to do this!" pleaded Bellamy.

Amon stopped and turned towards Bellamy as I did so.

"Shut up; in case you don't know, the girl you've been loving for so long is being harmed by her lover!" I snapped, "If you don't leave this pathetic man's crew this instant, she will suffer far more than just beatings."

"She's right, Bellamy dear," Frigg continues, "Alma is suffering greatly. You need to go back to her."

"I... I can't," he mutters.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. This is what happens when you let your feeling take control of you, Bellamy," Doflamingo sneers, "I don't need this kind of crap on my crew."

"Shut up, Doflamingo!" I yelled. "You're lucky enough I have the patience to let you speak!"

"Oh, but on the contrary, Tatsuo," he chuckles, "You have no patience. Here you are, defending a weak little boy and confiding in your dragon to do all your dirty work. Tell me, Tatsuo, what happened to the woman that nearly killed me, hm?"

"Don't let him provoke you, Tatsuo. Abyzou is feeding off of his maliciousness...~" Aliza comments.

''That woman is at rest," I scoffed, "Bellamy, do us a favor and decide already. If you don't leave, I will make you..."

"Tatsuo, I get that you are upset, but there is no need to threaten the boy like this," Frigg comments.

"Hurry up and decide, Bellamy," I said, "I am losing my patience."

"I promised Alma that I would gather enough treasure to provide for her and her kid," Bellamy says, "I can't back down on that promise I made to her."

I looked back at Doflamingo as Amon pressed his paws on his back. That stupid, smug grin of his makes me sick...

"Tatsuo, Luffy, and the others are back. We have to leave now," Frigg mentioned.

"Fine," I said, "Let's go, Amon. Leave him. We'll meet again soon..."

"I swear, that damn brat is just--"

"I know that you are upset, Tatsuo, but as long as Doflamingo is still alive, Bellamy won't ever leave his crew," Frigg says, "I know you mean well. I feel horrible for the girl."

"I just don't get it," I said, "Why stay with the man who is manipulative and just evil?"

"I understand that part," Frigg sighs, "Why don't we just focus on Luffy and the others? Amon misses them dearly, don't you, Amon?"


"Yeah, full speed ahead, Amon," I giggled, "We have to get there on time."






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