Chapter 2: Star Gazing

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        (3rd person pov)

The night was quiet. Tatsuo sat on the floor as she gazed at the sky, looking at the millions of stars while Amon slept on top of her lap. Buggy walked over to her and sat next to her catching her attention.

''Shouldn't you be asleep?'', asked Buggy.

''I'm more of a night person..'', she said, ''Besides, you need someone who can actually stay up properly..''

Buggy just chuckled a bit. He looked down at Amon and slowly scratched behind his ears making him purr and lean into Buggy's touch. Tatsuo turned her attention to Amon and smiled as Buggy played with Amon's ears for a bit before grabbing a cigar and lit it up.

''Why do pirates smoke?'', asked Tatsuo.

''Eh, I only do it cause I'm bored and need something to distract myself.'', he muttered as he blew a puff of smoke in the air, ''Why do you ask?''

''No reason...'', she mumbled, ''I was just curious, that's all..''

He nodded as he pulled out a map from his pocket and looked through it as Tatsuo pulled out a blade from the side of his belt and examined it. She had a thing for knives, swords or anything sharp. Her fingers pinched the side of the blade and trailed it to the tip of the blade and noticed that a drop of blood fell on her thigh. She sucked the blood out and felt her little cunt already wet. She sighed heavily as she moved Amon to her left side and pointed the blade on the side of Buggy's face, catching him off guard. 

''Hey, what the he-'', his eyes widened as he saw his own blade sliding under his chin, ''I swear if you-''

''What? Did you think I was going to slit your throat?~'', she giggled making his face heat up a bit,''Relax~ I wouldn't want to harm my own captain! Even if I wanted to..... you and your crew would've already been dead...~''

The moonlight the hit the blade, reflecting the light to her face. He saw the small grin she had and her eyes glow from the light. He averted his eyes to the blade and took it from her and placed it next to him away from Tatsuo. He handed her his cigar as she stared at it, clearly confused.

''Just take it...'', he muttered, ''You'll feel better after this...''

She looked at him for a quick second then slowly took the cigar, brushing her fingers against his. She placed the cigar in her mouth and inhaled it, then blew a puff of smoke out from her mouth. She used her powers to make small shapes by using the smoke and gave the cigar back to Buggy as she sneezed from the smell of smoke.

''Never again..'', she mumbled.

''Yeah, the smell is kinda bad..'', he chuckled, ''Not bad for the first try, now you just have to try alcohol-''

''Not happening..'', she said sternly, ''I don't consume it because most of the men I slept with drank alcohol and whenever they approach me.... the smell of it lingers in their mouths and it makes me want to puke...''

''It's not that bad, look, I'll drink with you just to prove it..'', he suggested.

''Nice try, Buggy..'', she said as she flicked his forehead, ''That ain't happening anytime soon, plus you would have to try a lot harder to convince me..''

''Figured that much..'', he mumbled as he threw his cigar in the sea.

She looked at him for a second and sat on his lap catching him off guard.


''I just remembered something...'', she began, ''I've been wondering if your nose is fake or not... Shanks never told me whenever I asked him... so I want to know.. is it real or fake?''

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