Chapter 4: Love Nwantiti

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      (3rd person pov)

That same day, the night began to roll in. The Buggy Crew decided to spent the night awake playing music or fighting. Tatsuo leaned against the wall as Amon slept by her side in his medium size form. Buggy had a cup of alcohol as he watched his crew have the night of their lives. He looked over to Tatsuo with a bored expression on her face as Amon moved his tail slightly watching the crew move around then suddenly pounced on them in the speed of light and bopped their heads with his claws slightly. Tatsuo had a small smile forming on her face and giggled at Amon. Richie then jumped in and started playing with Amon as he turned into his small form running away from Richie as he chased him. Amon quickly jumped on Tatsuo's shoulder and once Richie came close to her, she stroked his mane as Amon bopped his nose and hisses at him. She then scratched Amon under his chin making him purr softly. Richie laid by her side and slept peacefully while Amon flew down and laid on top of his soft mane. 

''Who knew she had a thing for animals..'', he said to himself as he drank his beverage. 

A crew member went flying straight towards Tatsuo, Buggy stood up, trying to get the man but she grabbed him swiftly by his neck, clearly choking him, her nails piercing into his skin. She looked at all the men waiting for her to scold at them. She dropped the man to the floor and stared at the sea as the moonlight hit the surface. The men all shrugged and went back to rough housing in the deck. They all soon quieted down for a bit, trying to catch their breaths. Multiple crew members pulled out some instruments and suggested they should play some tunes to keep the vibe going. They all began to cheer as they musicians began to play their taste in music. Buggy cocked a brow as he watched them all sing to the music. Tatsuo then walked out from the darkness of the ship as a certain song played.

(Play suggested song here)

She went around a couple of men from the crew and began to sway her hips to the rhythm of the music. Buggy looked at her as she held her hand out to bring him into the movement. He shook his head hesitating a bit. Was she trying to seduce him? Possibly. He watched as she moved her body, twirling around as she moved her feet, following the rhythm. He stood up after hesitating and seeing a crew member trying to dance with her. He walked over to her and held her waist from behind as he moved his body to rhythm alongside her. She held the back of his neck as she swayed her hips down from his body and twirled around him slightly, facing him as she trailed her fingers to his chest as they both moved to the rhythm. The crew began to cheer from watching the two dancing. They all were now aware of Buggy's feelings towards Tatsuo. He felt his pants growing tight as she moved her hips around his body and quickly ran somewhere, leaving her and the rest of the crew confused. 







He panted heavily as he locked himself in his office on his ship. He leaned against the door as he held his hand over his crotch. He looked up at the ceiling as he was trying to catch his breath. He zoned the music out as he slowly pulled his pants down, revealing his hot and throbbing member. He looked down and quickly pulled his pants up at the sound of knocking from his door.

''Who the hell is it?!''

''Well, that's not the way you talk to a woman, dumbass..''

His eyes widened as he heard Tatsuo voice outside of his door. 

''S-Sorry..'', he mumbled.

''Can you open the door for me?''

''N-NO! Ahem-.... I mean no, I'm getting a bit sick so don't come in!'', he said.

''Are you sure?''


She sighed heavily and walked away. He knew it was wrong to lie to her but the way she swayed her body against him to the music was such a turn on for him. He threw his head back as he pulled his pants down, stroking his member slightly. He bit his lips, holding back his moans and groans. With each stroke, he thought of so many ways to have her all to himself. All those wet dreams he had of her, topping him, getting her brains fucked out, they were all coming back to him. They way she trailed her fingers in his chest and held him in her arms just excited him in so many ways that he can't keep in track off. He wants to make sure that no other man will take her away from him. He will have her no matter what happens to him. He will die for her. That's how much he loves her. This desire means nothing but his love for her means the world to him.

''Fuck....'', he whispered, ''How much is this going to last...?''

He pulled his pants back up and laid on his bed. He realized that he had to clean up the mess his made on his floor but groaned loudly in his pillow, muffling the sound. He got up and grabbed a rag and quickly cleaned it up. He opened his door to see everyone asleep. Tatsuo was asleep next to the railing of the ship with Richie and Amon next to her on each side, keeping her company. He stared at her and watched as she held her knees up to her chest with her head down. He grabbed his cape from his coat rack and walked over to her then placed the cape over her shoulders the walked away. She lifted her head slightly and noticed Buggy walking back to his office. She saw his cape over her shoulders and held the corners as she adjusted herself to a better position and fell back to sleep.


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