''You're our friend, Nami''

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''So, he's gonna kill me?''

''Yes!'', shouted Nami, ''You have to leave, now!''

''I won't. He either has to pay or have die a slow and painful death..'', I said as I stretched my arms, ''And trust me, Nami, he won't kill me. I'll never be killed by someone who claimed to keep their word.''

''But, Tatsuo-san--''

''Nami, enough.'', I said sternly, ''I won't die in the hands of a fishman nor by anyone for that matter. I'm capable of protecting myself even if I have Amon. So, don't worry about me. Focus on paying off your debt with that sorry excuse of a pirate.''

Nami looked at me, clearly shocked at my words. I turned to face her and smiled slightly. I hardly smiled to anyone especially when I was a kid. She slowly walked over to me and hugged me tightly. I held her in my arms as I heard her voice crack.

''Why.... why do you remind me so much of Bellemere-san...'', she mumbled.

''You've been carrying all this weight on you, Nami.'', I said, ''You're our friend, Nami. Never forget that. And trust me, Luffy is as stubborn as I am, no matter how many times you push him away, he'll never leave anyone alone. Sure, he's a pain in the ass, but he means well. Arlong may be using you for your mapping skills but know that he isn't a good person. You know this already.'' I lifted her chin slightly, making her look at me and moved a strand of her hair away from her face, ''He isn't your friend. He's nothing but a backstabbing asshole and nothing like me, Amon, Luffy, Zoro, you and that blonde chef. We're all like a family. We care for you dearly. Arlong isn't your family. We are.''


I kissed her forehead and held her closer. I looked at Amon on the floor asleep near the pool. After a few minutes, she left on patrol duty, leaving me to myself. I walked over to Amon and sat next to him. I placed my feet in the water and slightly making splashes. A member of Arlong's crew came up to me.

''Miss Tatsuo-sama.''

''What do you want...?''

''I was sent to supervise you by Captain Arlong.'', he said.

''I don't need to be supervised, so beat it...'', I snarled.

''I'm afraid I cannot do that.

The fish man sat next to me and placed his feet in the water as well. I sighed heavily clearly bored and accidently catching the fish mans attention.


''Why are you still here...?'', I mumbled.

''Again, I have to supervise you. Arlong doesn't want you nor your dragon to kill any of our men.'', he said.

''It wasn't my fault that his men are stupid...'', I said, ''Besides, it wasn't Amon's intention to kill, he hated being woken up from his nap. I will apologize for that, on Amon's behalf.''

''You... apologized? I didn't think you're that type of human.''

''What kind did you think I was? A cold hearted savage with a tendency to kill who stand in my way?'', I said sarcastically.

''Well-- in some ways, yes.''

''You aren't wrong, though.'', I mumbled, ''I can be a sadistic brat, a kind hearted person or a very dense person. I sympathize those who are weak and strong but hate having them die such pitiful deaths or not achieve their goals. Not many people appreciate that...''

''I see...''

Amon woke up and looked at the fish man next to me. He began to show his sharp fangs at him. I scratched under his chin and calmed him down. Amon placed his head on my lap glaring at the fish man next to me.

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