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(Tatsuo's Pov)

I followed Robin out to the small town. Mock Town. Such a weird name for a town. What was even weirder was the inhabitants of this island. I felt eyes all over me as I walked with Robin. Something about this place felt off. It was almost as if I'd been here before. 

''Tatsuo-san, why don't you get yourself some new clothes while I go find some answers about this Sky Island.''

''Yeah, go with Robin, Amon, I'll be fine.''

He looked at me and chirped softly and followed behind Robin. I looked at the buildings next to me. Maybe I can find some fishnets to wear and perhaps have my hair cut. I walked further down the street and passed by a bar. I didn't care what was happening inside, but rather I looked at the man that had walked inside. 

'A marine? No, marines have a white coat with the word Justice on it...' I thought.

I shrugged it off and walked inside a clothing shop. The lady upfront didn't pay any attention to me. I didn't mind. I looked and felt the clothes and managed to try some on. I decided to keep the one I had on. It was a black pencil skirt and a blue tank top. I wore the fishnets with some black spiked boots. My boots were getting a bit worn out, might as well get these. I walked past the woman and paid for the clothes.

''Have a nice day..''

''Likewise..'' I said softly.

I looked around and sighed heavily. I walked around a little more. There was no sign of any barber shops close by. 

''Great, just my luck... Might as well head back to the ship. Maybe Robin's there waiting for us. I looked closely to see a glimpse of a small blue creature. I walked towards it. 


He chirped loudly as he flew into my arms. He was crying, well whimpering loudly.

''Hey, hey. It's okay, I'm here,'' I placed my hand on his fur, ''What happened? Did Robin's powers scare you?''

He chirped softly and jumped off of my arms and ran towards Nami, Zoro, and Luffy. I was confused. I had a gut feeling that something happened. I walked towards them as some large man sat in front of them. I managed to catch a glimpse of what he had said.

''The new age those guys were talking about is total bullshit! THE AGE WHEN THE PIRATES' DREAM IS ENDING?! A MAN'S DREAM NEVER ENDS!! I'M RIGHT, AREN'T I?!''

I got a closer look at what was happening and felt my blood drop to the floor. Zoro and Luffy were covered in blood. I clenched my fists tightly.



''Who did this?'' I asked.

''Tatsuo-san, leave-''

''Answer me, Nami!! Who hurt them?!'' I shouted.

I looked at her shocked expression. She sighed and pointed straight at the Tavern ahead. I nodded.

''Go take these to the ship, I'll be there shortly.''

''Wh-what are you planning?'' she asked.

''Nothing too drastic,'' I said with a soft smile, ''Go and follow them to the ship, Amon. Mama will be there soon~!''

I turned my heels to the bar. When I find out who the person responsible for this is, I'll make sure to give them a piece of my mind. And maybe, just maybe, a ''peaceful'' ultimatum.





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