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''Alright, I'll tell you everything I know about sky island,'' said Cricket, ''But it's all certain, so it's up to you if you believe it or not.''

''I believe you,'' said Luffy.

''Too fast, Luffy!'' said Usopp smacking Luffy's shoulder.

''There's a phenomenon,'' he began, ''That occurs in the seas around this region,  when the day suddenly turns dark.''

''Ah! There is! That's true for sure, right?'' shouted Luffy.

''Yeah! Not only that, monsters appeared too!'' said Usopp.

''Ah, yes. The giants. There's a theory on where they came from, but let's leave that aside for now,'' said Cricket, ''In any case, the sudden occurring ''night'' is the shadow of an incredibly dense, towering cloud.''

''You mean cumulonimbus?'' asked Nami,'' But that darkness wasn't something that could be formed by thick clouds.''

''Yeah, don't be stupid mister. If there's a lot of clouds out, it's only cloudy,'' said Luffy.

''Yeah, just cloudy.''

''Just cloudy.''

''JUST SHUT UP AND LISTEN!!'' shouted Cricket.

I slapped him across the head.

''Explain it to the properly, don't yell at them! They're just kids!'' I shouted.

''Tatsuo!'' yelled Frigg-chan.

I turned to glare at her as Cricket rubbed the back of his head.

''Emperonimbus. There's a cloud with that type of name,'' explained Cricket, ''They stack up high into the sky but don't give rise to any currents or rain. And when those appear in the sky, they block even the sun-changing day on land tonight. One theory states that the Emperornimbus clouds have been drifting in the sky for thousands or tens of thousands of years, all the while never changing some to naming it cloud fossils.''

''A cloud that doesn't let out any currents no matter how high it piles up?! That's impossible!'' said Nami.

''You're free to believe it or not. I'm not telling you all this to convince you or anything,'' said Cricket.

''So, it's a mystery cloud, then?'' asked Luffy.

''In a way, I suppose, since nobody knows for sure,'' said Cricket once more.

''You're amazing, Luffy!'' said Chopper.

''Now listen up! If Sky Island is real, it could be possible it exists on that cloud!'' said Cricket.

''Tatsuo, are you certain you don't wish to go with them?'' asked Frigg-chan.

''Yeah,'' I said, ''Besides, this will improve the crew's strength. I can't always be helping them all the time.''

''I suppose that's true..'' she mumbled. She looked down at Amon, ''Do you want to go to Sky Island, Amon-Kun?''

He tilted his head and shook it. I giggled softly.

''I guess he wants to stay behind as well,'' I said, ''Besides, that feathered bastard is coming back, right?'' 

Frigg-chan nodded slowly. I could tell she was upset. 

''You're disappointed, aren't you, Tatsuo-san?'' she asked softly.

''... Yeah, I thought I killed the bastard for sure...'' I said.

''Tatsuo, please, don't destroy the town because of that evil man, promise me that?'' she asked in a shaky voice.

I sighed heavily and pushed my bangs back. It took me a while to answer her.

One Piece: Tatsuo 'Heart Stopper'Where stories live. Discover now