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(Tatsuo's pov)

I slowly opened my eyes. Amon's beautiful eyes were the first thing I saw before sitting up from my bed.

"Hey, Amon...."

I scratched behind his ears and heard his faint purrs. I let out a soft yawn and rubbed my eyes. I looked at my hair and groaned softly.

"Jeez... I want to cut it.... but I also don't want to..."

'Then why not just do both...~'

"It's impossible... so, what happened?"

'Your new friend has decided to join your brothers' crew~ She is quite lively~'

"What was her name again? Miss Monday? Miss Sunday?"

'Nico Robin... Tatsuo~'

"Oh, her.... might as well go greet her..."

'Before you do... I want you to introduce me to your crew...~ I want them to be aware of who I am..~'

"Maybe next time... perhaps after we stop by somewhere...." I said softly.

I put on oversized long-sleeve shorts with my boots and opened the door for Amon to head out first. I watched as he jumped on Robin's lap and smiled softly as I headed down the stairs. 

''Welcome to the crew, Nico Robin,'' I said.

''Oh, Tatsuo-San, I didn't see you at all,'' said Robin, ''Thank you for helping me as well, I am in your debt.''

''Don't be,'' I said leaning against the rail of the ship, ''What are friends for? Besides, Luffy was the one who went through all that trouble to fight for those he deems as his friends. I'm just his eldest sibling who needs to keep him from any other harm. But, I'm glad he took down that bastard of a warlord.''

She chuckled softly. 

''Tell me, Tatsuo-San, why do you hate the government?'' she asked, ''Don't get me wrong, we both are on the run from them, but what's your reason for hating them?''

I crossed my arms and chuckled softly.

''Let's just say, they killed the people I cared for the most!'' I said with a soft smile.

''My, my, such an odd expression you have, Tatsuo-San,'' she said with a giggle.

''Don't mind my brothers' friends'. They're quite lively, Amon has taken a liking to you as well.''

''Oh, that's his name,'' she said petting his fur.

''Yes, he's a hybrid. It's quite rare to see them in sight, but he's the last of his kind, unfortunately,'' I said. I pointed to the scars on my face, ''These scars came from him specifically. Since I took him in and raised him as my own, he does the same by protecting me and keeping me company. He's like the ship's mascot in some ways.''

Robin let out a soft giggle.

''I bet~ Ms. Navigator, is the log post alright?''

''Straight West- Northwest, sister!'' shouted Nami.

''She gave you some jewels, didn't she?'' asked Usopp.


''WAIT FOR A LITTLE LONGER!!'' shouted Sanji.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Amon flew to the top of the ship's post and stayed up there.

''Nami, you think there'll be snow on the next island?'' asked Luffy.

''You still want snow?'' asked Nami.

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