Chapter 3: Jealousy

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        (3rd person pov)

Tatsuo slowly woke up to the sound of sniffing noises in her ear and felt a small lick on her ear. She turned to see Amon next to her. She looked at a familiar cape around her shoulder and turned to see Buggy asleep next to her. She stood up and stretched then went to grab Amon's food bowl and gave him his breakfast. She turned to all the crew already awake and saw the two men she had fought a few days ago walking over to her with a lion behind them.

''Good Morning, Tatsuo-san!'', said Mohji.

''Morning..'', she muttered.

''It seems that our captain is asleep... on the floor..'', said Kabaji.


''Anyways, how are you enjoying the crew so far?'', asked Mohji.

''It's boring.'', she said bluntly.

''BORING?!'', yelled the two men.

Amon was eating his raw steak and noticed the lion was approaching him. Amon looked at the lion with an intense glare and growled softly. The lion didn't get the warning that Amon was giving out. Tatsuo turned to the lion and Amon and whistled to get the lions attention.

''Don't go near him..'', she said, ''He'll bite you if you even get close to his food..''

The lion looked at Tatsuo for a second then at Amon, staring at him intensely. The feline proceeded to walk closer to Amon and next thing you knew, Amon bit the lion right in the ankle making him shriek in pain. Mohji and Tatsuo went to separate the two animals and put them far away from each other.

''Amon, you know how I feel about you being greedy with your food!'', shouted Tatsuo.

Amon looked at the ground with his ears behind his head as he whined a bit. She sighed heavily as she gave him his food and walked away. Buggy had woken up and turned to see no one next to him. He stood up and quickly stretched and went to look for her. He walked past Amon and accidently stepped on his tail again, causing Amon to bite Buggy on the leg. He yelled in pain as he shook his leg to get Amon off but his leg popped off and he ran off with Buggy's leg.

''HEY, GET BACK HERE YOU DAMN RUNT!!!'', shouted Buggy as he hopped with one leg as he chased Amon around the ship.

Amon ran quickly as he carried Buggy's leg in his mouth and spotted Tatsuo leaning against the rail of the ship as she talked with Mohji and Kabaji. He went behind her legs still holding Buggy's leg. Tatsuo looked down at Amon and noticed the leg in his mouth.

''Amon. Drop it.''

Amon looked at her and saw Buggy limping as he was looking for him. Amon shook his head and sat behind her. Tatsuo glared at him, kneeled down and grabbed the leg and bopped Amon behind the head causing him to let it go. Buggy looked at Tatsuo holding his leg and made his way over to her and saw Mohji tripped on his feet and fell on top of Tatsuo and landed on top of her. He felt his blood boil as he limped over there and grabbed Mohji by the collar of his shirt.


''B-Bo-Boss! It was an accident I swear!!'', protested Mohji.

''Touch her again and I'll kill you.. got it?!''

Mohji nodded as Buggy dropped him to the floor and grabbed his leg from Tatsuo's hand and placed it back to his original place and walked away. Tatsuo stood up clearly confused of what just happened. She walked over to Buggy as he leaned against the railing on the other side of his ship and stared at the sea. He saw her walk over to him and averted his eyes away from her.

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