My birth home

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''Oh my goodness, is it really her?'', mumbled the men around each other.

''Tatsuo-san, do you know them?'', asked Vivi.

''I... I'm not sure. They do look familiar..'', I said.

There was silence. 

''HURRAY!!!!! THE PROPHET HAS RETURNED!!!'', shouted the men.


''Tatsuo-san? You're a prophet?!'', shouted Usopp and Vivi.

''I.... I'm just as confused as you are! H-how...-''

''I'll take you to the village..'', said the man in the green sweater, ''But I should warn you, there's only one doctor in this country and she's a witch.''


We all got down from the ship and Amon was the first to run in the snow. The weather was so nice out. I looked over to see that Sanji had Nami on his back. No matter how much effort I put into my powers, her body temperature kept rising. We were already away from the ship and the man in front of us started talking.

''This country has no name.'', he said.

''A country without a name? I've never heard such a thing.'', said Vivi.

''WAAA!! A BEAR!! EVERYONE, PLAY DEAD!!'', shouted Usopp.

''That's just a hiking bear. It's not dangerous. Don't forget to bow-- It's a mountaineer tradition.''

We walked for a while longer until we reached a village. I felt my eyes widened as I looked around the town. It all felt so familiar. I walked ahead as I felt myself shift into my childhood. 

''Awe, Tatsuo! Do you want a piece of meat? Haha! Here ya go!''

''Tatsuo-san! Here's the book you wanted! I hope you enjoy it!''

''Look at her, she looks just like her mother and her father! They raised her to be the perfect child they've always wanted!''

''Tatsuo's powers are such a miracle! She's able to manipulate anything with her mind.''

''Legends have it that her powers were originated by a demon named Aliza who was killed by villagers along with her 3 year old son.''

I felt a hand grip on my shoulder snapping me out of my trance. I turned to see that Luffy had been looking at me. I looked around the environment and saw that I was outside of a house. I shook my head and saw Amon jumping around the snow as people passed by and pet him. I ended up walking inside the house to see the man talking with Vivi. Luffy and Usopp walked inside after messing around in the snow.

''Those mountains are the Drum Rockies. See that castle on the highest peak?  Right now, that's a castle without a king.''

''A castle?'', asked Usopp.

''Man, this warm you up!''

''Yeah, I see it.''

''What about it?'', asked Vivi.

''The only doctor in this country, Dr. Kureha, whom people call ''The Witch'', lives there.'', said the man.

''Why would she want to live way up there? Anyway, call her down here!! Its an emergency!!'', shouted Sanji.

One Piece: Tatsuo 'Heart Stopper'Where stories live. Discover now