Where it all began

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(Tatsuo's pov)

This bastard was out of his god damn mind thinking he could take the princess with him. Everyone was on top of a giant crab when it happened. I watched as Luffy pulled her back to the crab and was taken instead. I felt my eyes twitch in anger. 

''Seems the princess got away,'' giggled the girl next to Crocodile.

''The agents should be done with their mission in Alubarna by now. Contact them,'' ordered Crocodile,'' Your games have gone far enough, Straw-hat Luffy..''

Luffy sat up on the sand.

''She's such a weakling, and yet she's trying to help everyone and everything around her,'' he said, ''And since she can't turn a blind eye to anybody, she's always tortured. Even for this rebellion, she wants nobody to die.''

''Nobody to die? Naive pacifists like her always think such secluded things. They don't understand the true nature of war. You agree with me, don't you?'' asked Crocodile.

''Yeah, but she'll continue to risk her life and fight as long as you're around. So I'm gonna stop you here and now.''

Crocodile began to laugh. It pissed me off.

''How absurd, you're just as hopeless too. I've tosses aside countless fools like you who'd die for the sake of friendship.''

''Well, I guess that would make you the stupid one,'' said Luffy.

It struck a nerve. I could tell that comment angered Crocodile. I could care less if he was pissed. His apprentice began to giggle a bit.

''Is there something you find humorous?! Would you like to die as well, Nico Robin?''

''Feel free to do as you wish. In any case, didn't you promise you wouldn't call me by that name?'' she said walking away.

''Where are you going?''

''I'm going on ahead to Alubarna.''

''I'll never understand that woman..'' mumbled Crocodile. He threw a sand glass, ''Three minutes, that's all I give you. I can't play with you any longer. Any complaints?''

''Nope,'' said Luffy, ''Fine by me.''







I watched as the two men fought. It pained me to see that Luffy didn't really land a hit on that bastard, especially because of his devil fruit. It pissed me off. Everything with that fucking man pissed me the fuck off. I will never forget the day he attacked me....

(Flashback, 3rd person pov)

The most famous strip club in all of North Blue, was home to the famous dancer of all time, Tatsuo Tatsumaki. There was a name people have called her after the goddess of Love, Aphrodite. She didn't like it. Especially when her boss was the one who originally gave her that name.

''Tatsuo!!'' shouted her boss, ''Give this man a lap dance!! Then come to my office!!''

She turned her gaze to a tall man. His hair was kept back and wore what seemed to be an expensive suit. She sighed heavily.

''Follow me..''

The man followed behind her. He could tell that she was growing tired and frustrated. She opened the door to her room and let the man inside.

''Take a seat on that chair and relax. You're not allowed to do any physical touch on me, feel free to some complimentary drinks and ignore my dragon..'' she said in an exhausted tone.

''I did not come here for such lewd performance, young miss,'' said the man as he sat down, ''My names Crocodile. May I ask for your name?''

''....Tatsumaki Tatsuo...''

''Quite the beautiful name,'' he said.

''What is it that you want to talk about?'' she asked clearly unamused.

''Straight to the point I see, I would like to recruit you to my crew,'' he said, ''I've heard about a young girl and pet with a bounty on their heads, and I took it upon myself to gather some information about you both.''

Amon woke up to a sense of danger. He walked over to Tatsuo in his second form. He towered over Crocodile at exactly 14 feet. Tatsuo sighed heavily and shook her head.

''Fraid I have to decline your offer, Crocodile,'' she said, ''I am already being watched as it it by the stupid navy.''

The man was clearly angry.

''What do you mean you decline?!'' he shouted.

''As I said before, I am being watched by the navy. Plus, if I ever did join your crew, you'd probably use me for my body or sexual desires...''

Crocodile balled his hands to a fist. He watched as she turned to face the door and began to walk away. She didn't realize it until a second later. Crocodile pulled a knife and ran towards her. He yelled in anger. She turned to take a grip on his soul, Amon rushed in and tore the man's right arm off.

Something sparked some fire in her. Seeing Crocodile yell in pain and anger made her.... satisfied. She chuckled softly, then began to giggle and erupted into a loud crazed laugh. She was going insane. She turned to the door and head towards her boss's office. That was where her name began to take it's course to a greater outcome.



Hope you enjoyed reading! Sorry if this chapter is short, I've been really busy with school and college classes, so I haven't been able to update this story as much especially now that My Hero Academia Season 6 came out last month, feel free to check out the story for it, there will be some plot twists coming to that story soon! As for my Tokyo Revengers stories, I will make sure to focus on those as much as I can especially when I go on Thanksgiving break! The next chapter is going to be a summary of what had happened in the Alubarna arc with your votes on Tatsuo or her demon, Aliza. This is the first time I do an overall summary of the arc and I've been exhausted over school. Again, sorry for the late chapter and inconvenience and I hope you enjoyed it!

961 words

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