Demonic Tales

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(Aliza's pov)

Well, well, well. Welcome, my fellow mortals, I suppose you were expecting Tatsuo to tell you what was going on at Alabasta, no?~ Well, since the entire fight, she has been rather, well, how should I explain it? She's an odd girl, really. But, in all honesty, she really did hate that Crocodile man. I'm glad her child brother defeated him. He has quite the potential really. Oh, how I wished I was still alive in my own separate body and help Tatsuo train.

No matter, let's take a moment to dive into the past, right inside Tatsuo's memory lane~







''Let's see, where did we left off~''

As you may know, I have been lending Tatsuo my powers ever since she was born. My past successor was one of the few people who would never communicate with me even after our last session together. I still remember her exact words even after hundreds of years have gone by...

''I don't care why you're here or what my purpose is. I don't want anything to do with you or your reason for even communicating with me. Please, don't even try contacting me. I will find whoever you wish, but on my own terms...''

Almani Tatsumaki, that was her name. I couldn't believe that she was an ancestor of Almani. Then again, they have similar features. Tatuso is far more superior to Almani. She descovered her powers when she was about 4 years old. It was quite early for her age to discover them.

''Ah hah~ Here it is....''

''You seriously didn't just do that...''

''Tatsuo, please, don't be discouraged. Once all of this is over, your charges will be dropped. Besides, this child and his friends are getting in the way of my plans. Let's hurry. We still have a lot of chatting to do...''

As you can tell here, this is after what Crocodile did to Tatsuo's kid brother. I can tell she is going to betray him. Which she still does in the end.

''Let's skip to the battles between her friends and Crocodile's acquaintances..-''

I felt my eyes widen slightly. A brutal fight was going on near a kingdom.

''Now this is something worth seeing...~''

My eyes may have been ripped from my sockets, but I can still see what is going on with the help of my powers. It was quite interesting. I'm sure as you all know, the first fight that had begun. I can't keep track of what each individual, but the only interesting people that I can really focus on is an orange haired girl, the green haired man and the blondie.

''Just great... now I have to pull out three portals... Oh?~ What's this..?

''Многие люди так много страдали после того, как обвинили короля в том, чего он никогда не делал... Пока я продолжаю двигаться вперед... никто никогда больше не почувствует того же... Заставь землю трястись, пока я иду через эту войну. ... да возродится королевство... Крокодайл упадет на колени.... Я, Тацуо Тацумаки.... убью последнего подчиненного, который перестанет быть живым после этой войны.... Пусть '' Небеса защитят их грехи и сурово накажут их за то, что они причинили...''

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