Montblanc Cricket

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''Woah!! Such a beautiful lady~!! Oh, how the heavens have blessed me with such a marvelous woman~!!'' said Sanji.

''Sanji, that's enough..'' I said.

''Yes, ma'am~!''

Frigg-chan giggled.

''He is quite lively, Tatsuo-San,'' she said, ''Especially Ace's little brother! I couldn't believe a child of his caliber would defeat a warlord!''

''You know Ace?!'' shouted Luffy.

''Of course! I work under the same ship as him! So did Tatsuo's parents!'' said Frigg-Chan.

''Wow! That's so cool!''

''Is anyone not concerned at the fact that she is also half snake?'' commented Zoro.

I watched Frigg's tail wrap around Zoro's body and pulled him towards her.

''That is quite racist, Roronoa Zoro!'' she shouted, ''I am a Naga!''

''What's that?'' asked Chopper and Usopp.

''They are creatures who have been thought to be extinct for a very long time,'' explained Robin.

''Correct!'' said Frigg, ''Our kind have also been in contact with creatures from the underworld, called demons! Tatsuo here has one of her own!''

I looked at her in shock. 


''Oh! I wasn't?''


''HEY, HEY! LIL' BROS! DON'T BE MUTTERING TO YOURSELVES NOW!!'' shouted an unknown man from the ship in front of us, ''Hmph! Thought ya might be someone important for a sec. It gave me the jitters, ya know.''

''Pretty queer face you got there! What species are you?'' asked Luffy.

''Homo Sapien, idiot...''

 Nami and I smacked Luffy behind the head.



''Don't go pissing off the boss now!''

''Agh, pipe down! It's fine. It's fine. In any case, as you know, ''began the man, ''You folks seem like pirates. Did you know that Crocodile dropped out from the Shichibukai? If we're talking sheer ability alone, I reckon I may be getting an offer any day for that seat now, which is why I've been waiting on pins and needles.''

''Oh, you want to join the Shichibukai?'' asked Sanji.

''Hm?! Like I was saying, if I had to sum up what makes me so great, I'd say it's the fact that I haven't cut my hair in the 25 years I've been alive. Well, surprised?''

''That... is uncommon..'' mumbled Frigg.

''Are you retarded?'' asked Luffy.

''Hmm?! That was an unexpected response!!''

I burst out laughing. 

''Ahahahah!! Oh, man! You, a fucking warlord!?'' I shouted.

''Ta-Tatsuo don't-''

''You think you can just sit around here waiting for those pathetic government-abiding dogs will come to have you in such a high position?!'' I shouted, ''You must be out of your damn mind!! The government is nothing but power-hungry bastards who'd do anything to get what they want and use the title ''Shichibukai'' to do whatever they please!! Don't make me laugh... they would choose someone as corrupted as them to hand them such a title... fuck off with that shit and move... Now...''

One Piece: Tatsuo 'Heart Stopper'Where stories live. Discover now