Whiskey Peak

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''Mama, why are we here..?''

''We're making a stop for all of us to rest!''

''That's right! It's best to do what your mother says, she'll get very angry if you don't listen-''


''You hardly even listen to me, Kiro!'', shouted mama.

I remember staring at them as they argued back and forth. I jumped off the ship and waited until everyone else got down.

''This place looks abandoned...'', I mumbled.

''Tatsuo-san, Amon looks hungry, is there some food for him to eat still?''

''Yeah, it's in mama and papa's room... I'll go get it..''


I walked back to the ship and headed towards mama and papa's room. Amon was sitting outside holding his tray in his mouth. I knocked on the door.

''Mama, papa. Amon needs his food!'', I shouted.

''O-Okay sweetie! You're father will had it to you!''

I knew what they were doing. Sometimes I wondered if they only planned on having me only or having more kids. I was only 6 at the time. Once papa handed me Amon's food, I grabbed the bag and took it where Amon would eat peacefully. I remember pouring his food on his tray and closed the bag and looked at the cactus. It was quite large. I turned my attention to mama and papa walking towards me. Papa lifted me up and put be over his shoulders.

''Papa, mama?''

''Yes, Tatsuo?''

''Did you ever planned on just having me or having more children?'', I asked.

They looked at each other then back at me.

''Of course we planned on having you!'', said mama, ''But, we wanted you to have someone else besides Amon to be your sibling. But, you do have an older cousin! He's only older than you by 2 years!''

''What's his name?''

''His name is Shanks. He's heard about you and has been wanting to meet ya, we'll stop by his island and meet him soon.'', said papa, ''For now, let's just rest here for now...''

(Flashback end)







I opened the door and walked towards Sanji and Zoro. Amon was with them the entire time. I was surprised when Zoro lifted him up and held him in the air.

''Long live the king!''

Amon made a small roar and made Luffy and Nami laugh. I smiled softly. I pictured seeing Shanks holding Amon up in the air as me and Buggy laughed our heads off. Amon was a weird little whelp back then. He'd have his tongue out when any of us carried him. Sanji turned his head and saw me.

''Oh, Tatsuo-san, did you enjoy your nap?'', he asked.

''Yeah, I did..''

I turned to see the blue and orange haired boy and girl on the ship. 

''Why are those two still here?'', I asked.

''We're taking them to Whiskey Peak!'', said Luffy as he took Amon from Zoro's grasp and held him.

''Is that where we'll be stopping?'', I asked.

''Looks like it.'', said Zoro.

The girl and the boy looked at me as I turned to face them. 

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