Sleeping with a Fish Man

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The trip to Arlong Park wasn't long. Amon was the first to get down and stretched his front and back legs. I looked at the entrance and saw a walking octopus with human features. I got down and saw Nami in a green camouflage tank top revealing her tattoo. I walked over to her as she signaled me to follow her. Amon jumped in my arms and climbed to hang around my shoulder as I walked behind Nami.

''Are you sure he is going to pay me?'', I asked Nami, ''If he doesn't, I'll have to kill him.''

''Don't worry, he will.'', she reassured me.

I nodded as we finally stood face to face with the fish himself, Arlong.

''Nami! So you've returned?'', he asked, ''I see you brought a guest as well.''

''Yes. She had some matters to discuss with you alone.'', said Nami.

Amon growled loudly as Arlong stood in front of me. I shifted my head and looked at him with no expression whatsoever. Standing at 8 foot 7 inches, he wasn't intimidating. Not in the slightest. His nose resembled a shark. That was the only thing that caught my attention.

''What the fuck are you supposed to me?'', I asked.

''Isn't it obvious?'', he chuckled, ''We're fish men.''

''So I've figured...'', I mumbled, ''I didn't expect you to be the leader of this crew and judging by your appearance and aura..... you're pretty weak...''

''Did you come to criticize me or did you have something else in mind?'', he said clearly annoyed.

''Yes. I did. I need money.'', I said, ''And the only way I can get it is by sleeping with the captain of this crew. The only things that will be counted extra is marking and any special tactics you'll use.''

''Is that so?''

''Yes. From what Nami told me, you don't go back on your word when it comes to business involving money.'', I said,'' If you go back on your word..... I'll have my dragon kill you and your crew, which you wouldn't want.... right?~''

Amon shifted to his medium sized form and blew a puff of smoke through his nostrils as my eyes glowed a faint blue color. 

''Amon has a taste for fish so don't be surprised if he tried to eat your crew...'', I chuckled darkly, ''Besides, as long as you pay me on that same or next day, you and your crew will be alive and well..... for the most part...''

"I see.", he said, "So you're willing to carry my children in your stomach and get money out of it?"

"I'm infertile.", I said, "I can't have kids so it's the only thing that may disappoint you. I won't be able to carry any children which includes yours. Take advantage of that."

He looked at me and shifted his eyes to my body then turned to Amon staring him down. He chuckled slightly and held his hand out.

"I'll accept your offer.", he said, "Just keep your dragon away from me and my crew."

I took his hand and shook it. I turned to Amon and scratched his neck.

"Relax, Amon. He won't harm me. I promise."

Amon turned to me and purred softly and went to lay on the floor near the rectangular pool and slept. 

    (3rd person pov)

Arlong went out patrol with Nami as Tatsuo stayed with Amon at the estate. A crew member walked up to Amon and Tatsuo as she played with the water using her powers. She turned her gaze to see the man poking fun at Amon.

"Leave him alone.", she said sternly, "He gets mad when someone wakes him up."

"Oh yeah? He's asleep. He won't do shit. Neither will you, you fucking whore!", shouted the man.

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