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''Ah, the open sea~ Such a beautiful thing.''

Amon and I were ahead of the others. We did stay for the party for a little while. I'm glad we had Chopper part of the crew. We did need someone to heal people properly. Sure, I can heal myself and those around me, but like everyone else, I have my limits. I sighed heavily as I stared at the sky.

''Amon, do you think I'll ever see Buggy again?''

He purred loudly and nodded his head.

''Hah, you understand me so well. I'm glad we met.'', I said.

Raising a whelp wasn't easy. I gained the scars I bare from him and him alone. Right after mom and dad died, I got a tattoo of a dragon and at the end of the tail, it had Amon's eyes and whiskers. It hurt but I can't thank him enough for what he did. He is the only family, other than Luffy and Shanks, I have left. Well, now counting May may, she is also family.

I stood up on Amon's back and held my hand over my eyes and saw a sandy island.

''There's our stop, Amon.''

He roared loudly and flew faster towards the island. I wonder what the others we're doing.







(3rd person pov)

''Oh... um.. really... I don't know anything.''

What was happening now in the Going Merry this time?

''Then why won't you look at me? Look me in the eye! Now answer me! I loaded this ship with enough food to last us all the way to Alabasta. So how did it disappear in one night?''

Ah, yes. Luffy was denying he ate the last remaining food for the ship.

''Don't try to fool me. Your face doesn't lie.''


''Hey, what was that in your mouth?''

''It's food!''


''IT WAS YOU!!!''

Nami stepped out of the ship, checking what was going on. Seeing Usopp, Chopper and Karou fishing and Luffy on the ground confused her greatly.

''Nami! See what I'm against!? I need a refrigerator with a lock!~'', said Sanji lovingly.

''Alright, I'll think about it.Our lives may depend on it.'', said Nami.







(Tatsuo's pov)

We finally landed on the sandy island of Alabasta in two and a half days. It was noon. Yet no sign of Luffy nor the ship. Oh well, might as well walk around the city. Maybe I can get some money. As we walked down the small town, a tall man holding a white bag passed by me and Amon. I stopped and turned to look at him walking further away from us. He looked familiar. Very familiar. I shrugged it off and walked forward. Amon was growling loudly at the man who walked past us.

''Amon? What's wrong?''

He didn't turn around. I walked over to him and picked him up.

''Hey, relax. What's gotten into you?"

One Piece: Tatsuo 'Heart Stopper'Where stories live. Discover now