Hidden Secret

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''God, I thought they never leave...'' I said to myself.

I was finally free from Luffy's shenanigans. There was only peace. I finally felt relaxed. I didn't bother watch the others leave. I know they will be in good hands. But, I am certain that Frigg is pissed at me for not staying with her to see Luffy and the others leave the island. I can already hear her lectures just by thinking about it.

''You are such a disrespectful, ignorant girl, Tatsuo! You should have at least told Luffy and the others goodbye!"

I felt my head thump just by the thought of it. Luckily, the bar was quiet. There was no sign of Bellamy or his gang anywhere. But it did smell like piss, and much to my surprise, Amon was pissing on one of the bar stools.

"Amon, there is no need to act that way..." I said softly, "Hey, bartender? Can you get me a mop to clean this up?"

"Yeah, already on it."


I let out a heavy sigh as Amon jumped on the booth and rubbed his head under my chin. I smiled and pet his head.

"Get outta hear, ya weakling!!" Shouted a pirate.

"No one wants you're ass here anymore!!" Shouted another.

"Fucking attention seeker!!"

I rolled my eyes at those comments. I had a feeling that they were shouting directly at me, but it wasn't. I heard a soft groan. Amon then started growling loudly.

"Shut up, you stupid mutt..." grumbled a familiar voice.

I looked to a side to see it was Bellamy. He looked pretty angered and embarrassed.

"That stupid Straw hat... I'll make him pay for humiliating me..." he mumbled angrily.

"You know, if you didn't act like a total idiot, none of this wouldn't have happened..." I said casually.

Bellamy grew stiff and slowly turned his head to face me. He had a scowl on his face.

"Y-You...!!" He shouted softly, "I-I thought you left with the Straw Hat!!"

"He needs to grow stronger," I said, "That is why I decided to stay behind. Besides, you owe me an apology..."

"Apology?!" He shouted again,"I don't owe you jack shit!!"

He stood up angrily and left the tavern, not before the other pirates threw their drinks and food at him behind his back.

"Yeah!! Stay out, you filthy brat!!"

"Get the fuck out of our island!!"

"Get out! Get out! Get out!" They all chanted.

"Hey, shut the fuck up already!!" I shouted, "You all are pathetic just like him... grow the fuck up, you useless waste of space..."

They all remained silent and looked down at the ground. I scoffed at their faces. They are all the same. I looked back at Amon and pet his blue fur.

"C'mon, let's go see Frigg," I said finally leaving the tavern.


I decided to meet up with Frigg at the docks. I knew she was probably still upset with me or she was talking with one of Bellamy's goons. I didn't really care who she talked to as long as they don't try anything, which, judging by how strong she is, they wouldn't dare lay a finger on her.

'He is such a stubborn boy, isn't he.... Tatsuo~' said Aliza.

"Oh shut up," I said softly, "When will you learn to not talk to me when I am walking? People will think I am crazy..."

One Piece: Tatsuo 'Heart Stopper'Where stories live. Discover now