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"So, was the first night fun here guys?" Jisung asked.

It was horrible.

"I don't know you tell me, does sleeping on a hard couch sound fun?" I asked.

"Was the bed not big?" Chan asked.

"No, it was perfectly fine but you know Minho." Hyunjin said.

"Hey, you were the one who wanted to sleep on the bed. There's no way I'm sharing with him." I crossed my arms and laid back in my chair.

We were having breakfast together at the cafeteria of the hotel. It was 6 am and we had practice after this. Everyone just looked like they have been dragged out of their bed.

"What's wrong with sharing a bed? Everyone here shares. Right?" Chan asked.

"Yeah." Seungmin and Changbin said at the same time.

"If my roommate wasn't him," I pointed. "Then I might have slept in the same bed."

Hyunjin had an offended expression on his face. "I certainly didn't ask for you to be my roommate."

"Look Minho, I get that you and Hyunjin aren't that good of friends but just see this as a way to get closer." Chan said.

I rolled my eyes at his stupid statement. Me and Hyunjin will never be friends.

"Can't I just switch roommates?" I asked.

"You can't. You have to learn to be on good terms with every member, Minho otherwise it'll take a bad turn on you." He said.

I slammed my hands on the table, not too loud. I was sick of this whole thing. My hate relationship with Hyunjin was never such a problem but now apparently I am on a risk. Maybe it would have been better if Hyunjin didn't debut in our band. Then I would get along with every member.

"I'm so done with arguing about the same thing over and over." I scoffed. "I'm not hungry anymore, see you guys at the studio." I said and left the table.

I took long steps to get away as soon as possible. I decided to call an Uber otherwise I would never make it on time if I walked.


Surprisingly, I arrived at the studio all alone. No one was there so I took it as an opportunity to practice for our new song called Maniac. It wasn't that hard to remember the choreography.

I put on the song and started humming with it. I had worn joggings and a comfortable sweater so I could move and dance easily.

After practicing a few times to the song, I decided to take a break. My forehead was already sweating a lot. The guys should have been here 5 minutes ago.

I put off the music and I sat on the side bench while drinking water. It was getting pretty hot and I felt a bit sticky.

Then, I heard the door opening and it revealed Chan.

"You already practiced?" He asked

"Yeah." I muttered out a reply.

He sighed and came inside the room. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lashed out at breakfast. I just want all of the members to get along and I shouldn't-"

"It's fine. I'm not mad." I dismissed.

"Really?" He asked.

"Of course. You're my best friend." I gave him a little smile.

"You're my best friend too, thanks." He muttered and came to me to give me a hug.

He quickly pulled away though. "You're so sweaty!"

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