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Lee Minho

My life can not get worse.

First of all, Hyunjin was still in love with Jisu, that's what I thought though, he hasn't spoken about her for ages, they've broken up now more than two months ago and my stupid feelings were still there. I've tried everything but I just can't seem to get rid of them.

That's why I decided to go on a blind date. Yeah, because that's were my life has ended up.

She's a girl and her name is Kang Chaeyoung. She's in university and runs a bakery with her friend as a part time job. I've met her online and she seemed nice but I wasn't sure. Of course, she was pretty but I just knew that she wasn't really going to help. I guess I can give it a try.

I've never been on a date so I hope I won't mess it up and make a fool out of myself. Like I always seem to do these last few weeks.

"Oh my god, your first date! You need to look as good as possible but then again, you always look good, hyung." Jeongin smiled, making his cute dimples appear.

"Thanks, but we're just going to drink coffee. It's nothing serious. I don't see it as a date anyway." I shrugged.

"Come on, you've never been out ever and now you will with a girl! She has to be special, right? Do you perhaps like her?" He gasped.

"No, no. She's pretty but I guess she's not..." Hyunjin. "My type."

I'm so mad at myself.

"Really? You're blushing so you definitely do! Oh my god, I've got to tell the rest. They're gonna love this!" He got up with excitement.

"I'm not blushing!" I argued. "And there's no need to tell anyone. It's not important." I protested.

"Uh, yes it is, Lee Minho hyung. Now get up!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me from my bed.

"Ugh, where are we going?" I rolled my eyes.

"To my and Chan's room. There are the rest. I really didn't know why you were being so distant from us but I guess I now know it's because of your crush!" He giggled.

I guess he is sort of right. It is because of a crush. A pathetic one.

"It is not." I protested.

He continued to drag me to his room which wasn't long anyway since we were neighbours. He quickly opened the door with his key and got in.

Their room was quite messy. Shoes were laying everywhere and piles of clothing were sitting on chairs. When Chan used to room with Felix it was always clean.

"My god, you're messy as hell." I muttered, eyeing the pile of clothes.

"Hey! I call it... art. Yeah." He joked.

I laughed at his comment. We went through the hall and finally to the bedroom were everyone was gathered. Jisung, Chan and Felix were sitting on the couch next to the bed and Hyunjin, Seungmin and Changbin were sitting on the bed. They looked like they were having fun, talking and joking around.

"Minho! Where were you?" Chan asked.

"This guy has been so distant lately but I finally know why!" Jeongin shouted. I gave him a shove with my elbow to his rib and he let out a yelp.

"Ouch— anyway, as I was saying. Minho has a freaking date this evening with a girl!" He announced and I face palmed.

"It's nothing serious, guys-"

"Oh my god, really? Why haven't you told us earlier?" Seungmin pointed a finger. "Yeah, I thought we tell everything to each other!" Felix began too.

"Okay, mr dates his band member for a month and keeps it a secret." I scoffed and everyone laughed. Felix and Changbin shot red and Felix looked away, shyly.

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