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I was still confused as to what happened yesterday. I really didn't know.

I looked in the mirror of my drawer and inspected my bruise, it wasn't that bad. Looking at it made me get a little flashback from yesterday when Hyunjin took care of me.

It also... shit.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.


[ flashback ]
I couldn't help but to lean closer. Our lips were a few inches away. I slowly closed my eyes. I really didn't know what I was doing.

And before I could consume the situation, he lightly pushed me away. My eyes fluttered open and I only saw blurriness.

"What the hell..." he muttered.
[ end ]

What the fuck.

Did I really try to kiss him? No, no, no. That can't be. I really am the worst when I'm drunk.

How did he not even fight me for it? I'm a dude and I tried to fucking kiss him. Oh my god, I'm such an idiot.

I can't leave it like that. I need to talk about it. Or no, I shouldn't. I should just act like I have no idea of what happened yesterday.


But wait, that's the only thing I did, right? What if I did worse and I can't remember? No, no, I should be good.

I heard the bathroom door open and Hyunjin came inside the room. He only had a towel around his waist.

I quickly looked away and almost face palmed myself for being so embarrassing.

He went inside the closet room and dressed up. After that he came out of the room and he had a blue t-shirt on with simple black jeans. His hair seemed a bit messy but not as bad as mine.

He caught me looking and I looked away again. I'm really making this very obvious.

"Um, Minho." He said.


I slowly turned around and met with him. I was fidgeting with my sleeve from the anxiety.

"Do you.. remember anything from yesterday?" He asked.

"Um, no. Should I?" I lied.

"Oh, no. Not really." He muttered and went to turn around but I stopped him.

I can't do this.

"Look, if you're being awkward about the stupid move I did on you. I'm sorry, I was drunk." I admitted.

He raised an eyebrow. "It's fine. I didn't know you were that bold when you're drunk."

"Damn it. Did I do something else?" I sighed.

"I'm just kidding." He chuckled.

I sighed of relief. Now that's fixed, We headed to the cafeteria where the rest were. Changbin and Jeongin already started eating and the rest were on their phones probably waiting for us.

Why is it that we always wake up the latest?

They all looked up when they saw us approach them. Some were shocked and some had.. a smirk on their face and that someone is Felix, Seungmin and Jisung. Always those three.

I groaned. Don't tell me Felix showed them the stupid picture.

"From now now, let's just hate each other again." I whispered towards Hyunjin and he agreed.

"The love birds." Jisung laughed.

"Shut up." I muttered, taking a seat at the table.

"Never thought of that duo but it does have a nice ring to it. Hwang Hyunjin and Lee Minho, acting like enemies but behind closed doors they are lovers." Seungmin joked.

"Seungmin, not you too." Hyunjin groaned.

"He's right. You guys came back very late and drunk, mind you and then you guys slept in the same bed while Minho threw a tantrum about having to share a room with you. Something definitely happened." Felix stated.

"Felix, nothing happened. Stop making things up." I replied.

"Come on, you guys looked all lovey doves in the morning!" He laughed.

I just decided to ignore him and the rest also started to eat in silence.

"We'll go live this evening around 8 pm and we're gonna answer a lot of question from our fans so prepare yourselves." Chan announced. "Manager Ty said to also not spoil anything for the upcoming concert." He added.

We all nodded and agreed. It's been a while since the last live so I was kind of excited to talk with our fans again.

"Minho, what happened to your face?" Jisung asked.

The rest looked up to me and scanned my bruise. "I didn't notice, what happened?" Jeongin asked.

"Uhm, it's nothing. I just got a little.. erm drunk yesterday." I said.

Chan saw that I was quite uncomfortable so he quickly changed the subject and talked about our choreography instead. I didn't really listen.

I don't know what exactly changed but ever since yesterday, I feel weird. As if something has drastically changed and I'm not sure if it's because I'm embarrassed by what happened. Does Hyunjin feel it too or am I being ridiculous?

I decided to shrug it off and enjoy the rest of the day with the boys. We went out to go bowling which was pretty fun.

Although, I didn't play much. Felix and Jisung were the ones who kept going for other rounds. I just sat back and observed them having fun and joking around.

"Lino, you okay? You're a bit quiet today." Changbin sat next to me.

"I'm fine, it's just that I'm a bit tired." I lied.

"Tired? You woke up at 9 today. That's like 3 hours later than the rest." He laughed.

"Yeah I know but I couldn't really sleep." I said, which wasn't a lie.

"I couldn't too but I take sleeping pills which makes it hard for Jisung to wake me up." He stated.

"Yeah, Jisung can be moody in the morning." I laughed.

Jisung used to be my roommate and I think from that moment we got really close. He was like my other half. I feel like these last few months, he has been distancing himself from me though. He keeps going out with Changbin and Felix. While a few months ago, he used to keep hanging out with me. I guess time really changes.

"Come, you haven't even played!" Felix came up to us and grabbed our arms to get us up.

"No, no I have already played 3 times." Changbin said.

"Binnie!" Felix whined. "Ugh fine, Minho hyung? One time!" He begged.

"I'm good, go ask Chan. He'd love to play." I declined.

He huffed and made his way to Chan.

He really is a ball of energy and happiness. I'm already emotionally drained from this whole week.

I wish I had the amount of energy that Felix had. The day hasn't even ended yet and I'm ready to go to bed.


Hello lovely people!

I just wanted to come out here and thank you guys for reading this book.

Don't forget to vote and comment! 💫 🌟

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