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After our heated scenario with Jisu, I had to leave since it was getting quite dark. I hoped that Minho already slept so I wouldn't be confronted with his stubborn self. I just knew that we will start arguing again.

I took the elevator and clicked on the second floor. It didn't took long until I arrived to my room.

I unlocked it with the key that I got as a spare because the other one was with Minho.

I got in and to my surprise, it was empty. I didn't hear any noise in the bathroom either. I decided to look there and I couldn't believe what I saw.

Minho was laying against the wall, asleep and the floor was a mess. Blood was everywhere on the ground and that's when I noticed the bandage around his wrist that was also soaking blood.

I put two and two together and I quickly knew what the case was. Although, I couldn't believe Minho would do such thing. Being shocked was an understatement.

I got to my knees next to Minho and gently shook his shoulder. I was shocked by the view. What if he fainted? Oh, god.

He opened his eyes slightly and looked at me. He sat up and I gave him a questioning look.

"What- what happened?" He muttered, rubbing his eyes.

"Shouldn't I be asking that?" I asked, a bit mad.

"W-what-" he cut himself off, as realisation hit him.

He looked at his wrist and let out a gasp. He looked like he was panicking and I tried to calm him down.

"Shit." He hissed.

"Minho, where did all this blood come from and what happened to your wrist?" I asked sternly even though I already knew the answer to that.

"I- please don't tell anyone about this." He begged while tugging at my arm.

"I won't. Are you okay?" I asked.

"I don't know why I did that, I wasn't thinking and it w-wasn't my i-int- intention." He stuttered out, tears threatening to spill.

"It's fine, let's get you cleaned up, alright?" I asked.

He nodded furiously and I helped him up. I held onto his waist while he laid all his weight on me, still sobbing quietly.

I sat him on the bed and grabbed his arm. I took off the bandage that looked poorly done.

I hissed at the wound. He cut pretty deep.

"Ah- it hurts!" He flinched at my grip on his arm.

I muttered a 'sorry' and I applied some ointment on the wound to let it dry.

"You have hickeys." He stated.

I looked at him in surprise and blushed a bit at the thought. I guess it's really obvious.

"Uh, I was with Jisu." I laughed awkwardly.

"Why does everyone have someone who loves them and I have none?" He complained all of a sudden. "I'm never the first choice ever! No one will ever love me." He bowed his head and I couldn't see his face.

I grabbed his chin and raised his head up, his face was stained with tears and I didn't know why but my heart broke at the sight.

"Don't say that. Millions of fans love you." I comforted.

"That's funny coming from you." He bitterly laughed. "You hate me."

"You hate me too." I replied.

"I don't. What I have for you isn't hatred." He denied.

"What is it then?" I asked.

"Jealousy." He stated. "I'm jealous because everyone loves you and because I've never seen anyone hate on you. Your friends adore you the most, you're also so talented and you don't have to worry about not looking good all the time! You're always the favourite while I am always in your shadow." He added with sadness in his voice.

I was speechless. He was right at some things but not entirely. I've worked so hard to come where I am.

"And I have no fucking idea of why your girlfriend would cheat on you. She's so stupid and you're even more stupid for forgiving her. Even my self esteem is not that low." He added. "Trust me, everyone girl in the world would love to be your girlfriend."

Why would he say such things? He's not in the right state of mind. My point was even more proven when I smelled the smell of alcohol coming from his mouth and a bottle of Soju on the table. I sighed before speaking again.

"Have you been drinking?" I asked in disbelief.

"Drunk words are sober thoughts." He laughed.

"Whatever. You should rest. I'm done with your wound." I said.

" I'm not tired. I've slept enough... in the bathroom." He replied.

I sighed and placed the first aid kit on the shelf back. I went to the bathroom to clean up the blood because it was a mess. It was everywhere like he committed some murder.

After I was done, I went back to the room and Minho had took off his shirt and laid down on the bed.

I went up to him and made him a bit more comfortable. I took off his shoes and put them aside.

I laid down on the bed too and switched the lights off. I was pretty tired and I really could use some sleep as to I was going on a date with Jisu tomorrow.

I closed my eyes and dozed off in a couple of minutes



I woke up from the alarm and Hyunjin did too. My head was hurting like hell and I felt super dizzy.

I had a huge hangover and I suddenly felt the urge to throw up. I ran to the bathroom.

I puked my guts out and I sat next to the toilet to catch a breath.

"You okay?" Hyunjin asked, leaning against the doorframe.


I then threw up again. Getting drunk really sucks in the morning. I, then looked at my wrist which had a bandage on it.

What the-

Shit. I then remembered what I did last night. Did I really- oh my god. Hyunjin saw it. Shit.


"I'm not gonna tell anyone." He cut me off. "If that's what you're thinking."

"Thank you." I sighed from relief.

I got up and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I was really hungry so after I was done, I got ready to go downstairs.

Well, not until I made sure that you couldn't see my bandage. I wore a big hoodie that covered my whole arm.

Hyunjin went with me and we arrived at the cafeteria were some of the guys sat at a table.

I sat down too and everyone greeted us. Only Chan and Jeongin weren't there.

"Where's Chan and Jeongin?" I asked.

"Chan said he need to talk to Innie real quick." Felix answered with a shrug.

"Yeah, yeah. We all know they're fucking." Changbin joked.

Although, his tone was definitely not in a joking matter but everyone laughed at his sentence anyway and so did I.

"Talking about the love birds..." he sighed and we all looked behind us to see them coming our direction.

"Hey, guys. I didn't miss much, right?" Chan asked.

"No, definitely not." I gave him a cheesy smile.

He sat down and Jeongin sat next to him. We all began eating again and for the first in what felt like forever, I could finally enjoy my food. I was really hungry.

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