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Hwang Hyunjin

I entered the restroom to wash my face. The performance was pretty great if I say so myself.

When I came backstage to get my stuff, Minho wasn't there so I assumed he probably left already.

I looked in the mirror to scan my whole face. The makeup was water proof so I'd have to remove it with my makeup remover. For the rest, I do think that the fans will go crazy over our fan-cams.

Changbin and Felix's were really powerful and their outfits were cool too. The one I liked the most was probably Jisung's because his aura was so hot. Everyone did a great job.

Though Minho, I thought he looked the best out of everyone. He did look exhausted though. Which I get, I'm pretty tired too.

I turned off the water from the sink and before I could leave, I heard a sound coming from one of the stalls. It was a groan and then I heard a loud thud.

I walked up to it and knocked lightly. No one answered. I knocked a bit harder but it stayed silent.

"Um, are you okay?" I asked.


"Hello, is someone there?" I asked again.

I huffed and decided to just leave the person alone.

"I'm fine." A silent voice replied.

That voice was familiar. Wait, isn't that Minho?

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, just leave me alo- agh!" He groaned.

"You don't sound fine, Minho. Open the door." I spoke.

"No-" he breathed in. "I-I'm really f-fine." He stuttered out with an exhausted voice.

"Minho." I banged on the door.

As much as I hate you, I can't just leave you in a bad state.

"Why do you care? J-just leave!" He groaned.

"You're my band mate after all, it's my responsibility to check up on you so please open the door." I ordered, banging on the door again.

I heard a light click coming from inside and suddenly the door opened revealing a tired looking Minho. His already pale skin was even more pale and his cheeks were stained with tears and the tip of his nose was red. He looked awful.

"Minho, oh my god, are you okay?" I asked with a worried tone.

"I said I'm fine." He muttered.

He pushed me lightly away so he can walk away but he stumbled on his own feet and almost fell if I didn't catch his wrist in time. I pulled him back and he bumped right into me and his whole body gave in.  He let his head rest against my chest and breathed heavily.

"Just leave me.." he trailed off, pulling away from me.

His eyelids looked heavy and that's when he suddenly collapsed right in my arms. My eyes widened and I quickly tightened my grasp around his body. His eyes were closed and I wrapped my arm around his waist and carried him out of the restroom.

The staff and our manager came up to us, looking worried. I placed Minho on one of the couches and took his shoes off.

"What happened to him?" Manager Ty asked.

"I don't know, he just collapsed in the rest room. He looked really pale and sick." I explained.

"Alright, we'll call the doctor." He informed and I nodded.

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