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Hwang Hyunjin

I stood there dumbfounded. Minho just.. kissed me.

And I didn't kiss him back. God, I really felt awful but I was so taken back and shocked I couldn't do anything.

I wouldn't have kissed him back either way but why did his lips felt so right on mine? Being fully sober really made me understand how much I actually loved his lips but I just couldn't get myself to kiss back because I knew I will only hurt him in the progress.

I haven't fully moved on yet and using Minho as a replacement is such a disgusting thing to do. Although, I might like his touch, I don't like him.

We were supposed to hate each other and I can't believe that Minho actually kissed me willingly. So.. he likes me? Or did he act on what I did? Maybe he just wanted to get back at me by doing that but why did he look so upset when I didn't kiss back? I was confused, yes.

I shouldn't have left him walk away like that.

I need to talk to him.

I quickly got out of the room and searched for Minho. I didn't find him anywhere though so I assumed that he had just gone off somewhere.

Maybe he needed time. And so do I.

I've decided to drop it and I went back to my room. I'll just watch something on tv and wait till he comes back. Because all of this really needs to be discussed.

I don't want to hurt him at all, believe it or not. Although I always say I hate him and that he's an enemy. Everything changed that night. My whole perspective on him changed.

I.. began to be more caring towards him even though I don't show it, I do care. I also never want to intentionally hurt him and when he avoided me it actually hurt, that's what I'm scared of, I don't want to get attached again. Especially not to my band mate who happens to be a male.

I've never felt this way about a guy before but maybe that's because I never kissed them. This whole thing is really getting to my head.

I tried to shake off all the thoughts and focus on the tv.


Lee Minho

Did I just fucking kiss him? Oh my god. I'm never going to face him ever again.

I wanted to literally punch myself. How could I gather all the courage to do that?

I was currently at a park, nearby the hotel just to get some fresh air in and to think.

Think about what to do next because I fucked up bad. I really had no idea as to what to do now because I was pretty sure that Hyunjin hated my guts and definitely didn't want to see me.

I sighed and got up. It was starting to freeze and my hands were blood shot because of the cold. I walked towards the hotel with the keys in my hand.

I wanted to talk to Hyunjin but I was too embarrassed to even do that but maybe it will clear some things.

As I was going in the elevator someone got in, close behind me. I turned around and almost got a heart attack when I saw no one other than Hwang Hyunjin standing in front of me.

The elevator door closed and my gaze quickly flew to the ground. I could not hold the eye contact.

"Minho." He spoke.

His tone was unreadable. Was he angry? Mad? Upset? I didn't know.

I kept my mouth shut and clicked on the button to the floor furiously.

"Minho." He repeated, now more commanding.

I looked up for a few seconds before moving my eyes away again.

"We really need to talk." He said , moving closer to me which made me move even more away.

My back was against the rails of the elevator and Hyunjin only stood a few inches away. Why am I always caught up in these sort of situations?

"L-look- what happened was just a mistake. I don't know what overcame me." I quickly said.

It was true. I was out of my mind and I really didn't know what I was doing. Love indeed does make you crazy.

"I don't-"

The elevator door opened and I pushed him a way lightly and almost ran to our room. I opened it and stepped in.

Before I could go to the bathroom, he held onto my wrist and pushed me against the wall. His arms were both on each of my sides, trapping me.

"Hyunjin, what?" I asked.

"I don't believe you. Why did you actually kiss me? Do you really like-"

"No!" I cut him off. "Definitely not. It was a mistake and it should never happen again. I only tried getting back at you."

"Really?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered out, making my cheeks turn red.

His eyes flicked to my lips and I felt my knees going weak. He really does know how to control me, damn it.

"Hyunjin.." I trailed off with a shaky breath, placing my hand on his chest to push him away.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked with a soft voice, I really wanted to melt.

"Of- of course!" I scoffed, looking away.

Of course not.

He grabbed my chin and made me look up to him again. Our lips were a mere inches way from touching and I was about to explode.

He smirked at my flustered state and spoke again, "hmm, you don't sound so sure."

That's because I'm not, idiot.

I didn't know I said it out loud until I saw Hyunjin's expression change into a surprised and amusing look .

"Shit." I muttered.

"Don't worry, everyone tends to fall for me." He joked.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his collar. If he was about to tease me the whole time without doing something, I'll do it myself and this time, I won't regret it.

I pulled him in and smashed our lips together. I didn't move them and waited for him to act first.

After a few seconds, he slowly starting moving his lips and his hands trailed down my waist to my hips and pushed our lower bodies closer together making me gasp lightly.

He placed his tongue inside of my mouth and started kissing so passionate but I couldn't give in just yet so I held my ground and didn't kiss back.

He bit on my lip almost making a sound come out of my mouth but I won't give him that satisfaction

He slowly pulled away and I already ached for his touch.

"Yah, why aren't y-"

I pulled him in again and started kissing him back. This time no one of us were petty so we both synced our lips together and fireworks were exploding in my stomach from the heat rising to my face.

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