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Lee Minho

It's been now about two weeks since the whole situation with Hyunjin. We had a concert in Busan and luckily, I could focus on the performance. On backstage though, I could not. I never sat with the members because I knew he was with them and I sometimes even skipped meals just to avoid being in his presence.

I felt mad and mostly embarrassed. Embarrassed because he basically rejected me. He led me on and then fucking dropped me like I was nothing but some toy he played with.

After all, no one could own his heart but Jisu.

I envied her. How could such a bad person steal someone's heart like that? Why couldn't he love me just like he loved Jisu?

But then again, Jisung also broke my heart but I've always kept loving him despite the hurt I felt. That is until Hyunjin.

Now, I was back in Chan and Jeongin's room. I've stayed with them for the past two weeks. I couldn't bare to face Hyunjin after all that.

Yeah, I did feel bad and like I was a burden but Jeongin and Chan made sure I was as comfortable as ever knowing that I was really going through it. I've also told them about everything. I trusted them after all.

"Minho hyung. Are you okay?" I felt an arm around my neck.

I snapped out of my trance and looked back at Jeongin. He looked worried about my state and I couldn't blame him. I, myself, felt like I was starting to lose my shit.

"Hmm, I'm fine." I muttered out, lacking energy in my voice.

"You don't look fine, hyung." Jeongin protested. "You've gotten paler although your skin was already extremely white but now you haven't got an ounce of blood left in your face. I can feel your bones very clearly when I hug you. You've skipped a lot of meals and you barely talk to us! You are definitely not fine. Please, talk to me or even better, talk to Hyunjin. You guys should just make up for god's sake." He complained.

"No. If he doesn't want me then I certainly am not going after him like some dog. Also, I skip meals just to avoid him for your information and I've gotten so pale because I lack energy because I can never sleep because you and Chan hyung are always making out at night! It's disgusting." I whined.

Yeah, I was the only one who knew about their relationship. They wanted to keep it a secret from me but it's kinda hard to do so when I literally sleep in the same freaking bedroom.

His face got a bit red at the mention of him and Chan. I felt like laughing but I couldn't get my muscles to move. I really was physically exhausted.

"Yah! It's not my fault, you can't sleep in your own room." He scolded, hiding his blush.

"I'm just kidding!" I chuckled. "But you're right. I really am sorry for intruding you guys like this." I added.

"No, no, I was only joking! You're always welcome here." He said.

"Thank you but on a serious note though, I really should go back to my own room and face the reality instead of hiding all the time." I sighed.

"You should. Maybe things will get better after you talk." He wrapped me in his arms and gave me a tight hug.

He pulled away with a little concerned look. "Hyung, you really have lost a lot of weight. Please eat first."

"I'm fine. I'm not hu-"

"Don't give me that nonsense talk!" He sassed. "You're not fine and that's okay. Now go eat before I smack your empty head!" He scolded.

"Yah, I'm still older than you." I scoffed.

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