38. ~END~

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I officially hate myself.

I'm crying tears over someone who doesn't deserve them.

All this time... it didn't mean anything? Nothing at all?

Hyunjin was gone now for a while which meant that he will arrive in any minute and that's the last thing I want.

I got up to go to the bathroom to wash my tears away.

The cold water hitting my face was calming and it relaxed me in some way. If only life was easy, I wouldn't be going through this heartbreak.

I didn't know I could get more hurt then when I lost Jisung. Yes, this was far more worse.

I couldn't eat at all and I couldn't fall asleep either. My whole mind was occupied with him.

How come he doesn't feel that way? Why am I the one hurting all the time?

I suddenly heard the door open meaning he arrived. I internally groaned at that, not in the mood to face him.

I got out of the bathroom and was met with him. Hyunjin.

I looked away and made my way back to the bedroom. Without sparing him a glance. He doesn't deserve it anyway.


Hwang Hyunjin

I felt terrible. My heart was aching when I saw Minho. His eyes were all red and a bit puffy meaning he had cried.

Being the reason he did was making me feel even more guilty and it was eating me alive.

I had to talk to him and apologise for how I behaved. All those mean and nasty words... I didn't mean anything of that. Him being self-entered? That was an obvious lie. He was everything but that. He always cared about the rest and he never ever placed himself first.

I sighed and went after him to the bedroom. I saw him with his back against me, sitting on the bed.

He suddenly turned towards me and had the most sad look ever. It was all my fault.

"Minho, can we talk? Please?" I asked.

"No." He replied and got up from the bed.

He was about to brush past me but I stopped him, grabbing his arm to look at me.

"What now? You've hurt me enough. Can we just please not do this anymore?" He groaned.

"Minho. I'm so sorry about what I said and about everything. You didn't deserve anything of it. You're never self-centred and I was just mad. That's still not an excuse for how I behaved, I know but I really feel extremely guilty for treating you that way so I'm asking you to please forgive me?" I pleaded.

"You're forgiven. Now move." He said.

"No please-"

"You're forgiven, alright?" He scoffed.

"I know you don't mean it." I muttered.

"Really?" He scoffed. "Why would I forgive you when you led me on and kissed me and then proceeded to say you didn't like me at all?" He asked. "Huh?"

"I was lying." I admitted.

"What are you talking about?" He asked a bit confused.

"I'm saying that... I truly like kissing you and all those signals were truly because I did like you, Minho." I stated.

His eyes widened a bit and he looked awfully surprised.

"Why are you surprised? It's not something rare for someone to fall for you. I first tried to brush off those feelings, blaming it on the fact I'm not over my ex yet but I was wrong. I like you, Minho. I like you so damn much and I get it if you won't forgive me because I acted like an asshole." I said.

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