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After fighting about who gets to drive, Hyunjin sat in the passenger seat.

"You can't even drive!" Hyunjin whined.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

I started to drive to our hotel. The other guys already went home and Jisung and Changbin forced us to go together.

The rest of the ride was surprisingly quiet. Soon enough, we were parked in front the parking of the hotel. It was already dark and I was exhausted.

We got out of the car and went to our room. Hyunjin always keeps the keys so he opened the door and we got in. I really hope these six months will fly by.

I took the pillow from the bed and made up the couch. I accepted that I had to sleep here.

"I'm gonna shower first!" Hyunjin yelled.

I ran to the bathroom before he could. "No way! I was going first!" I said.

He stepped closer trying to get the handle of the bathroom door but I covered it. I won't let him get in there first. This is why I hate roommates in the first place.

"Move." He said.

I crossed my arms and looked up at him. My back was against the bathroom door and Hyunjin kept moving closer. My breath was almost stuck in my throat.

"I said I'll be going first so I will be going first." I argued.

I went to open the door quickly but Hyunjin stopped my movements by grabbing my waist and pulling me into him. I struggled to get out of his grasp. Of course, he was pretty fit and strong. I have also been going to the gym lately but I'm in no way stronger than Hyunjin.

I tried to push him away with my hands but he didn't budge.

"Let me go!" I pushed his chest.

Our faces were a little too close. It was kind of getting weird so I rolled my eyes and tried to get out of his grasp.

"I'll let you go if you promise to let me shower first." He smiled, mischievous.

"Ugh, fine! Just let me go!" I pushed.

He eventually let my waist go and sprinted to the bathroom. I huffed and stomped to the bedroom. I was very angry that I let him win the argument. I never lose. But whatever.

He really does know how to get under my skin.

I decided to go on my phone in the mean time. I went to twitter and searched the hashtag SKZ and I saw a lot of positivity for our new song. Everyone also loves our new hair which made me pretty happy.

Once again, I searched my name up and people really like my outfit but then I see Felix and Hyunjin's name pop up and it's all about them. Obviously they are the favourites but I also want to be as loved as they are. Which sometimes sucks but I got used to it.

That is until I saw a tweet about my weight. It said the following; Lee know really gained some weight after their break. He needs to go to the gym more lol unlike Hyunjin, who is hot ash. Which I admit hurt a little but I couldn't care less since the account was private and it didn't even have a picture so they are probably insecure. Although, 28 people liked the tweet and 3 even shared but I tried to shrug it off and I closed the app.

After what felt like a few hours had passed by, I heard the bathroom door open. Finally. It took him long enough.

Now that I think of it, I actually have no energy to go shower at this moment. My mood has been going down plus I'm very tired. I decided to wait a few hours before going. It's about 10 pm and I normally sleep very late so it won't matter anyway.

Hyunjin came inside the room. He only wore a pair of boxers and that's it. He was half naked and I could see his abs and muscles very clear. I've never actually seen him shirtless, this was the first time.

And god, was his body fit. I get why they compare me to Hyunjin. He really has the perfect body and I'm kind of jealous. Which I deeply hate to admit.

I think I was staring too long since Hyunjin caught me looking. He raised an eyebrow and I quickly
Looked away. He smirked at my sudden action which made me embarrassed. He caught me.

"Like what you see?" He said with a smirk, I so badly want to punch off his face.

"Not really." I rolled my eyes.

I sighed and got up. Suddenly, I am in the mood to shower. I took my towel and boxers and went to the bathroom. I turned on the heating because I get cold, pretty easily.

I took off my clothes and got under the water. It was very relaxing and I felt like sleeping. I placed soap in my hair and on my body. I let it in a few minutes before rinsing everything out. I combed my hair to make sure there aren't any tangles.

After an hour or so, I was finally done. I wore my shorts and dried my hair off. It was still wet but a little less.

I looked at the mirror and checked my half naked body. My stomach is pretty flat and I wasn't even fat. Why did people say I gained weight? I really don't see a difference but there's no way they would come up with such stuff if it weren't true. I must be delusional.

I didn't want to go out like this since Hyunjin had the body of a Greek god and then I am here with my unfit body.

No. I shouldn't care. I pushed all the thoughts away and got out of the bathroom.

I saw Hyunjin laying on the bed still in his shorts. He was on his phone and when he felt my presence, he looked up at me. He wanted to go back to whatever he was doing but he quickly looked back up and scanned me from top to toe. His eyes lingered a few more seconds on my torso. His lips were lightly parted.

"You're doing the same thing." I said and took a shirt from the drawer.

He shut his mouth up and sat up straight on the bed. I'm still a little annoyed, I can't sleep on the bed. It looks so comfortable and soft but there's no way I'll sleep with him.

I took my blankets and made up the couch again. Tomorrow will be a long day and I'm definitely not in the mood for a trip with Hwang Hyunjin.

I sighed and laid down on the couch. Hyunjin got up from his bed to turn off the lights and went back to sleep. It was pitch black and very silent. I closed my eyes and let the dark take me.

Although the couch was pretty hard, I tried to ignore the stabbing pain in my shoulder and sleep. I swear I'm gonna pay Hyunjin some day for letting me go through this.

I heard him lightly snoring already while I couldn't even hold my eyes closed. My tiredness slowly faded away from the pain of this couch. If I would move one inch, I'd be flat on the ground.

I gave up and got up from the couch. I sat on it and rested my head on the wall. I was basically trying to sleep while sitting. At least it wasn't as uncomfortable as laying down.

I covered myself in the blanket and closed my eyes. My legs were dangling from the couch, lightly touching the ground.

This was going to be a long night.

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