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Lee Minho

It's been two days after the incident and I felt a lot better. I've stopped taking the medication because it kept giving me the urge to throw up.

Everyone also noticed that Chan and Jeongin were a lot more friendly towards each other and we sometimes catch them even whispering things to one another. Obviously something's going on between them.

Even the fans noticed, posting stuff about them. They were quite flirty in their last live causing fans to go crazy over them.

They still talked about Hyunjin and Felix together but a lot less now since him and Changbin are being close too on camera.

I opened twitter to search my name and I saw "Lee know and Han are so cute together." ; "can't believe people don't like minsung, Lee know is looking at him with heart eyes." Pff, since when? I always try to avoid his eye contact.

I couldn't help but search my name and Hyunjin's. I was a bit curious as to what people thought of us both together.

"Lee know and Hyunjin's relationship has improved so much, I love their friendship!"; "am I the only one who doesn't ship minsung at all? Lee know and Hyunjin are much better #hyunho" but there were also other comments like; "Lee know and Hyunjin look like they hate each other in comparison to the others"

I scoffed and closed the app. They like me with Jisung better and I would be happy to hear that if I didn't develop a crush on Hyunjin.

Stupid crush. Stupid feelings. Stupid Hwang Hyunjin.

I sighed and got up from the bed to take a shower.

I took my clothes off and let the water drip down, I waited a bit 'till it became warm and stepped under it. The water trailed down my body and I suddenly felt relaxed.

My tensed muscles were quickly recovering meaning I can practice in a few days again.

After I was done showering, I dried my hair and pulled on my boxers. I didn't take the rest of the clothes with me so I decided to cover my waist with the towel and I quietly got out of the bathroom.

I tiptoed to my drawer, not sure why since Hyunjin wasn't even there. I didn't know where he was though and I shouldn't care.

I took my shorts and dressed in them. It was hot outside so I didn't want to wear a T-shirt but I was still quite insecure of my body unlike Hyunjin who sleeps shirtless every night. Obviously I will feel jealous for the boy, he's almost perfect.

"Hey." A voice said from behind me, startling me.

I turned around on my heel and almost got a heart attack when I saw Hyunjin so close to me. I was in between the drawer and Hyunjin. I couldn't help but to lean all the way on the drawer, away from him.

"Oh my god, you scared me." I sighed in relief.

"I didn't know you get scared so easily." He replied, still standing close.

"Hm." I nodded, waiting for him to say whatever he wants so that he can finally leave.

Because I was starting to get a bit flustered and my heart doing flips wasn't helping at all.

I awkwardly looked away when I saw that he didn't budge. What is he doing?

He placed both arms on the drawer, trapping me. His face was immensely close, making me gulp lightly. I had still no idea as to what the hell he was doing.

He leaned in closer and for a second I felt my eyes close. I felt his breath hit my skin which made the hair on my neck stand.

His neutral expression suddenly changed into a smirk when he saw my nervous face. I felt the need to get myself together. How am I being so submissive right now? He shouldn't be the one in control.

"Hyunjin." I whispered, our lips almost touching.

He then leaned in and I thought that we were about to kiss but I felt nothing. I slowly opened my eyes, dumbfounded and looked up at him. He placed his thumb on my cheek and wiped something off.

I felt embarrassed and I wanted to die.

"You had something there." He flicked his finger.

"I-uh, whatever." I muttered in annoyance, rubbing my cheek.

"You look red." He smirked again, slightly backing away, leaving some space for me to finally breath properly.

"Yeah, it's quite hot here." I lied.

"Hm." He nodded in amusement. "It is but not that much for you to turn like a tomato."

So he was enjoying this as a game, now? I wanted to smack him across the face for playing with my feelings.

My eyes kept on glancing at his lips unconsciously, making me lick mine in the progress. God, how much I want to kiss you right now. But no, I can't and I shouldn't think about it even the slightest before I do something I might regret.

"Hyunjin, move." I said.

"Hmm." He placed his finger on his chin as to think for an answer. "What if I don't?" He asked.

"Then I'll make you move, idiot." I scoffed.

His eyes was full of amusement which I couldn't but roll my eyes to. I tried to push him away but damn, he really is strong. He didn't budge one bit.

"What do you want, Hyunjin?" I rolled my eyes.

Mind you, I'm still fucking trapped between him and I feel like our bodies are touching and it's making feel something I shouldn't.

"I was only playing, you're kind of cute when you're mad." He chuckled.

"Playing? I have better things to do, Hwang. Now leave." I muttered.

Ignoring the fact he just called me cute. I could keep hearing that from his mouth all the time and would not get tired at all.

"Are you that mad for not letting you leave? Or is it because you actually wanted me to kiss you?" He smirked.

Yeah, shit.

"I'm sorry? Don't get ahead of yourself." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not." He shrugged nonchalantly. Totally amused by the situation.

If he really likes to play, I'll show him how to play the game.

I grabbed his collar and smashed our lips together with no hesitation at all. I knew that he was taken by surprise considering he didn't move at all.

I slowly moved my lips against his, melting in his touch. My hand went to his cheek and I cupped it. His skin was so soft and his lips didn't taste like alcohol anymore but like something sweet instead.

Why doesn't he kiss back?

Shit, he doesn't want to kiss me back and I just fucked up.

I had hope so I slowly moved my lips against his, waiting for some movements but none came. His hands moved up my waist to push me away.

Before that could happen , I pulled away. My face was hot red and I was slightly panting. I didn't dare to look at him. I've fucked up.

I really did.

"I-I'm sorry-" I quickly pushed him away, this time he let me do so. I tried to walk as fast as I could and out of the room.

I didn't care that I only had home shorts on and a T-shirt. I just wanted to leave. I couldn't just stay and hear him reject me. I just can't.

Minho, one way or another, he will talk to you about it and then reject you.

I know and I'm scared for that. I should just avoid him from now on.

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