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I slowly opened my eyes when I heard footsteps outside the room again. I sat up and I almost stumbled on the ground from the dizziness.

The door opened and it revealed the annoying guy. He had an angry expression on his face and I rolled my eyes. Not this again.

"You thought, you could get away?" He smirked.

"My god, can't you- you accept that you have been R E J E C T E D?" I shouted in his face.

"What?" He made a face.

"Rejected. Rejected. Dumbass." I muttered still holding on the wall for support.

"Who you calling a dumbass now?" He shouted and pushed me against the wall.

I lost my balance and almost fell to the ground but he was quick to grab me from my arm and shove me against the wall again.

He got very close and I could smell his disgusting breath. I cringed.

"Go brush your teeth first, damn." I placed my hand between our faces.

"Shut the fuck up. After this night , you won't stop thinking about me." He smirked.

"First of all, no and second of all, ew." I cringed.

His grip on my shirt tightened and he gritted his teeth in anger.

He placed his face really close to mine but I quickly shoved him away making him stumble.

"I've had enough of you!" He yelled in frustration.

He kneed me in my stomach and I groaned from the pain. I grabbed my stomach and collapsed on the ground.

I really felt like throwing up.

He held my chin up and threw a punch on my way. My cheek was throbbing from the fresh pain. I felt the corner of my mouth bleeding.

My vision was slowly fading away and I couldn't do anything.

I heard the door open harshly and I saw Hyunjin looking at my state and his face cringed at the sight.

"Who the fuck are you?" The guy asked.

"Not someone you should mess with, that's for sure." He clenched his jaw.

Hyunjin shoved him in the wall and gave him a hard punch to his guts. The guy groaned in pain. Even though he was tall, Hyunjin was taller so he could easily tower over him. He threw another punch making him collapse to the ground.

I was traumatised and still very, very drunk.

And hot, of course.

After a few other punches, I was pretty sure the guy was passed out. Hyunjin came up to me and held my head up. He inspected me as if to make sure nothing happened.

"Are you alright?" He asked. "Does it hurt?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty" hiccup. "fucked." I muttered.

He pulled me closer to him and I wrapped my arms around his waist for support.

He got up and pulled me up with him. We got out of the room and the girl he had been making out with came up to him while he still had his arm around my waist.

"He- who is this?" She pointed at me.

"Uh, he's my.. friend. I have to go now." He answered.

"Oh, alright. call me later." She winked.

We got out of the bar and to the car. I rested on the passenger seat while Hyunjin started driving. This day was very weird. I should never ever get drunk again. I tried to forget about what just had happened because it was too overwhelming.

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