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Today was the day we were gonna film the music video of maniac, our new song. Everyone woke up sooner and we already had breakfast.

I was really excited to film. Everything was starting to get better. I mean people start to think that me and Hyunjin don't hate each other and that we're close so that's good.

"Alright. Let's head to the studio to shoot the clips. It'll be fun!" Chan motivated.

Everyone agreed and we then had to split and go with our roommates to our own cars. Everyone did so and I sighed in annoyance. When is this over?

Hyunjin will drive this time but that's just because I'm not in the mood to argue.

"Hand me the keys." Hyunjin said.

I threw the car keys at him and he easily caught them. He then opened the car and we got in. The long drive started.

"Have you seen twitter?" Hyunjin asked while looking at the road.

"Nope. I decided to just ignore it and let myself believe that everything's fine." I answered.

"I think you should. People are basically attacking you because they think you stole me from them." He let out a chuckle.

"What? It should be the other way. Why is everyone after you? " I asked.

"That's because I'm just handsome. Duh." He said. "Well that and they want me to either be with them or with Felix." He added.

"Yeah, you should see the edits of you two. Y'all look like you're about to risk it all with each other." I joked.

"It does but me and Felix are just close like that and we are comfortable enough to act like we want." He shrugged.

"I got a message from Ty and he said that we did a good job at acting close and now they are arguing about something else so now at least they don't think we hate each other." He informed.

"Yeah, we turned a problem into a bigger problem if that was possible." I scoffed.

After the that, the drive was silent. We didn't really have anything else to talk about. Well I did but that would just cause discussions between me and Hyunjin.


We finally arrived at the studio and we got out of the car. I got inside and I saw that the guys were already there.

Some were still drinking their coffees and some were in the makeup room, getting ready. Jeongin offered me a drink but I declined. I decided to just go to the makeup room to be done quickly.

A girl welcomed me, she was one of the stylist and I sat down. She started brushing my hair and I actually felt so relaxed.

"You have soft hair. Really healthy. How do you keep your hair like this when you keep dying it?" She asked.

"Thanks and I actually have no idea. I guess it's a blessing." I said.

"I guess you have a lot of blessings because your skin is also so smooth. I'm starting to get jealous." She laughed. "My name is Kim Jisu by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Jisu." I smiled at her.

Honestly, I wasn't in the mood to really talk but she looked nice.

As if she could read my thoughts, she began doing my hair again in silence.

She styled my hair pretty good and I looked very handsome if I could say that. She then started doing my makeup. Some foundation and concealer. I looked even better.

"Alright, we're done. You look really great." She complimented and I thanked her.

"We should really hang out some time. You seem very interesting." She smiled. "Anyways, I have to do the rest of the group otherwise I would love to talk with you." She added.

"Really? Thanks." I awkwardly laughed.

It was now Hyunjin's turn and he looked really uncomfortable and annoyed. I gave him a look as to ask why he's acting that way.

He sat down on the chair and the girl named Jisu started touching his face with a sly grin. She then proceeded to massage his hair and style it. Seems like she's flirting with anyone now.

I left the room and went to the studio to the rest. Chan, Changbin and Felix were already done.

"Wow, your hair looks amazing. Who styled it?" Felix asked.

"Thanks, Jisu did. Our personal stylist. She's now doing Hyunjin's hair and makeup." I informed.

"Wait, Jisu is doing Hyunjin's hair and makeup?" Felix recalled.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, confused.

"She's his ex. The one who cheated on him 3 years ago." He answered.

"Ex? I felt like she was kind of flirting with me but I guess I was looking next to it." I shrugged.

"Are you kidding? She can't be real." Felix scoffed.

"Felix, calm down. Minho probably understood her wrong." Chan reassured.

"Yeah probably. Let's forget about that." I shrugged it off and we went to our spot.

After everyone was done with their makeup and outfits, we started shooting. It was very quick and not many mistakes were made so we were done quite fast. Everyone enjoyed filming and we made lots of fun.

Only Hyunjin was quite moody and kept giving me some glares. I was very confused as to what happened to him and why he kept staring at me.

I decided to just shrug it off and have some fun. The music video was really cool. I actually was quite satisfied of my work and of course of the rest too.

"Alright, we did amazing, guys! It's pretty late now so you can already go home." Chan informed us.

Everyone said there goodbyes and grabbed their stuff to leave. So did I.

I grabbed my bag and wore a simple shirt with comfortable pants. I really was tired.

As I was leaving the studio, I felt someone grab my wrist and turn me around. I met with Hyunjin's face. He looked annoyed and a bit mad. What's wrong with him?

"What?" I asked him.

His anger showed even more. He stepped a bit closer and I stepped away making my back hit the wall. I gave him a confused look.

"Why did you hit on Jisu? I knew we weren't on good terms but acting like this is low." He said. "Even for you." He added and that really hit me.

"Hit on Jisu?" I asked confusingly. "I didn't. In fact, she hit on me. She kept flirting with me." I explained.

"Why would she do that? She's obviously not interested in someone like you." He spat.

"Excuse me? Someone like me?" I asked. "Just because she broke up with you, doesn't mean she can't live her life like she wants and if she's interested in me then so let it be."

"She would never be interested in you." He got closer and lowered his head. "Jisu lov- loved me and you and I are both on different levels."

I felt my heart ache a bit. He's right. Jisu is out of my league and Hyunjin is much better looking than me. I know that but it still hurt. He shouldn't have said it in my face.

"I- I know but you shouldn't blame me because I didn't do anything." I said.

I felt my eyes water a bit and I felt pathetic. Why am I so sensitive and dramatic? I really shouldn't feel this way.

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