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"I set up the camera." Hyunjin said.

I nodded and sat beside him on the bed. We started the live and soon enough the comments flooded.

"Hello, stay. We are Hyunjin and Lee know!" Hyunjin began.

"We'll be answering questions and hopefully have a great time with you!" I said.

"Where are the other members?" I read. "They all went with their roommates on trips and me and Hyunjin decided to go live because we didn't feel like going outside. We did go outside together yesterday already." I said.

Suddenly I felt Hyunjin's arm around my neck. He pulled me closer and smiled, acting casual. I almost made a weird face but I quickly composed myself.

"Is it true that you hate each other?" Hyunjin read and I was quite panicking.

"Hate?" He laughed and looked at me. "We love each other. Really, I think we are the closest in the group." He added.

The fans spammed the comments with hearts saying we're cute.

That was a total lie though.

I started reading the comments in my head and some were just joking around but then I saw some comments saying that we would be cute as a couple. now they really lost their minds. I mean me and Jisung used to get shipped a lot but I guess I didn't mind, in fact I actually liked it but Hyunjin? Nope. No. Never.

"You guys think we'd make a hot couple?" Hyunjin said with a laugh.

Oh my god. he read that comment out loud on purpose.

His arm was still around my neck and we were sitting awfully close. It was weird because I felt something unfamiliar in my stomach. It's actually making me ill.

It went on like this for a couple more hours. Just us basically acting like a damn couple and if people will still think that we hate each other then I wouldn't even know.

After we were done, we decided to go to the cafeteria and eat. I hadn't eaten in like forever and I felt my stomach aching for food. I ordered a simple thing to eat quickly and then head to the studio.


I sat on a table next to the big windows and Hyunjin followed behind me. He then sat down at a table next to mine. If anyone recognised us then it would be very weird as to why we, so called friends, were sitting at different tables.

As I was thinking about that, I saw a girl who looked my age approach my table. She looked shy and excited at the same time. She definitely was a fan. Shit.

I looked over at Hyunjin and he seemed to get the message. He quickly hid his face with his hoodie on and looked away. I sighed in relief.

"Oh my god, you're Lee know!" She squealed.

I gave her a warm smile. "Yes, that's me. What's your name?" I asked her.

"Soyeon. Kim Soyeon." She answered while bowing., a shy smile creeping onto her face.

"Can I get a picture, please?" She asked.

"Of course, here." I gestured for her to come closer.

She opened her phone and came next to me. I placed my arm around her and smiled. She did the same and took a picture.

She was turning a bit red and muttered a quick "thank you" and left. She was cute, her excitement and shyness really stood out.

"That was a close one." Hyunjin sighed.

I totally forgot he was there.

"Yeah, just come sit here."  I gestured at the table.

He grabbed his stuff and took a seat at my table. That really was a close one. If she will post the picture then I'm sure everyone will know where we are and as much as I love the fans, it can be a bit overwhelming and messy.

After we were done having our meal, we got out of the hotel and got in the car. This time, I was driving. Honestly, me and Hyunjin were making a bit of progress. I mean we don't hate each other as much so that's improving, right?

Um, not really.

Soon enough, we arrived at the studio. Chan texted me and said that everyone was there already apart from Changbin but we all know his problem with being late. Well, I guess I can join the club.

I walked inside the studio and Hyunjin followed close behind. The guys looked like they were taking a little break so we joined them and sat down.

"Hello, guys!" Hyunjin greeted.

"Hey!" Felix came and gave us a hug.

"Hyunjin, Minho. Can we talk for a moment?" Jisung asked.

Me and Hyunjin looked at each other with a confusing look but I nodded and followed him out of the room.

"What's wrong?" Hyunjin asked.

"Umm, it's just that... well, have you seen twitter? You guys are both trending and people spread rumours about you two. Like you two are a thing." He informed.

"What?" I practically shouted.

"Yeah and people also hate on Minho because they want it to be Felix.." he trailed off.

"That's ridiculous. I made it clear that we were close friends." Hyunjin frowned.

"No, you more like made it clear that we are a thing, you idiot." I facepalmed. "You kept on touching my thigh and pulling us closer together. That's not how friends work." I scolded.

"That's how friends act though? Have you not seen you and Jisung back in the day? You both were far more close and lovey dovey together." Hyunjin scoffed.

I slightly tensed at the mention of that. We really used to be close but times have changed I guess.

"It's fine, I just wanted to know if the rumours were true." Jisung gave me a look.

"Are you kidding? Why would you even think about that. We're not and we'll never be." I made it clear.

"You talk like it's a bad thing to be with me. I should be the one to say that." Hyunjin argued.

"Oh my god, I really don't wanna argue right now." I said and walked away.

I got back in the dance room and everyone stopped talking and looked at me. I rolled my eyes and went to sit down. Really, even my teammates think that?

Also why the hell am I getting hate?

I took my phone out and checked twitter. The first thing that pops up in the searching bar is #hyunho. I internally groaned when I figured out what that is. Of course, a damn ship name. Why out of all people him?

I read the following; I told y'all that hyunlix wasn't real! Come on just look at the way Hyunjin looks at lino it's so cute!

I facepalmed myself. The way he looks at me. Yeah, right. They don't know what happens off camera.

They were fighting over Han and ended up together, what a love story


Why is Lee know between Hyunjin and Felix? He's ruining everything. Why doesn't he just go back to Han?

Han? Even the fans noticed.

I decided to just close my phone and ignore everything. Running away from my problems is the best solution.

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