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"Well, I've seen you two take care of each other when you both were drunk." He reasoned. "You guys never talked?" He asked.

"Talked?" I scoffed. "I guess he was busy kis-" shît, that just came out of my mouth without thinking. "I mean.. no, we haven't-"

"What were you about to say?" Jeongin asked, his eyebrow raised.

"Nothing." I crossed my arms.

I'm such an idiot. I really can't keep my mouth closed, huh?

"No, because I heard that-"

"I said it's nothing." I cut him off.

He then let out a dramatic gasp. "You guys kissed?" He shouted.

Yeah, he's getting on my hit list.

"W-What are you talking about? Of course not!" I scoffed.

My face was for sure red and I felt so embarrassed.

"Oh my god, you did!" He shouted, turning to me. "You- oh my god, so you guys are a thing?" He asked.

"what?" I shouted. "No, we're not!" I scoffed.

"So were you drunk or was he?" He asked. "Tell me how it happened, everything!"

"No- ugh!" I groaned. "It didn't mean anything, okay? He was drunk and he thought I was Jisu or whatever. That's it. Neither of us liked it!" I explained.

That's a lie.

"And you just told us now?" Chan asked, trying to focus on the road. "That's kind of a big deal."

"It's whatever though, we didn't intend to let that happen. Now don't ever mention it. Don't even talk about it with Hyunjin, okay?" I crossed my arms and laid back on there seat.

"Of course, you can trust us, Minho." Chan reassured.

"That's kind of cool, Hyunjin and Minho hyung." Jeongin laughed but he quickly stopped when he saw my death glare.

The rest of the ride was just Jeongin cracking unnecessary and idiotic jokes about me and Hyunjin. Chan listened and laughed sometimes and I just kept arguing with him.

It was exhausting, to say the least, my head was starting to get dizzy again and I wasn't sure if it was because of Jeongin's nagging or the lack of sleep I had. I just hoped that Jeongin wouldn't slip up right in front of Hyunjin or the others.

After a few other minutes, we finally arrived at the big studio were we will film on stage. Luckily, it's only for fan-cams so people won't attend. Otherwise, I would be pretty nervous.

"Alright, I texted the others and everyone arrived already." Chan informed.

"So we're late because of princess Jeongin." I said.

"Hey!" He slapped my arm and Chan only laughed at our childish behaviour.

"Okay, let's go." Chan told us and we quickly followed after him.

We entered and went to the backstage room where everything gets filmed. Everyone sat there, doing there thing and some were still getting styled.

"Finally! The three idiots arrived." Seungmin joked.

"Shut up, minion." Jeongin shot back. "So who's going?" He asked.

"Changbin is filming now and then I'm next!" Seungmin replied.

I looked at the big screen and saw him performing. He looked really good and I was proud of him. He was worried about filming but now that I see him like that, he shouldn't have been. Which now makes me to think, I really hope I won't mess up because everyone is looking through the screen at me.

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