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"Guys, we're free today. Just got a call from Ty." Chan informed.

Everyone was happy and so was I. I think I really need a day off from the studio and all. I also wasn't planning on going anywhere. Just resting.

"I do suggest everyone to go out since we start filming new episodes next week so we won't have any time to go out and stuff!" He said.

"Yeah, duh! I won't skip my day off with sleeping." Felix replied.

"Do we have to?" I asked with a yawn.

"Minho, you've been so depressed lately, a bit of air won't hurt you." He sighed. "Besides you can go with Hyunjin, he already had plans for today."

"No." We both said in unison.

"Ugh, don't say you guys are stil "hating" each other." He rolled his eyes.

"No, uh, it's not that." Hyunjin denied. "It's.. well I had plans with Jisu."

"Oh. Minho, you can always tag along with one of us." He turned back to me.

"I am going with Jeongin. Changbin and Felix are going together." He informed. "What about you?" He asked Jisung.

"I'm going with Seungmin to his crazy grandma. He apparently needs my help because she drives him crazy so I'm going to accompany him." He sighed, looking drained.

"Oh, well I guess Minho wouldn't wanna tag along with you two ." He laughed.

"Well, I will just end up third wheeling you and Jeongin." I stated. "You and Changbin are basically a couple too and there's no way I'm going to Seungmin's crazy grandma. Been there and would never do it again." I spoke.

"Minho! You won't third wheel! We're all friends." Chan defended.

"Yeah, and my grandma loves you, Minho! You're the only friend of mine that she truly loves and that says a lot." Seungmin said.

"Look, I'll just go to my bed." I announced.

"Oh my god, Minho hyung. Just come along!" Felix suggested.

"I'll pass. Maybe I'll go out later but I'm tired now." I shrugged him off.

Everyone decided to go back to their rooms to dress theirselves up to go outside. Hyunjin had already wore his clothes so he went out directly.

I, on the other hand, went back to sleep in just a couple of minutes. Yes, I was exhausted and tired. I don't know what got in to me lately but no matter how much I sleep, I can't seem to wake up without problems. It's really starting to be a big issue.



"Channie hyung, where are we going?" I asked.

"My uncle has opened a new restaurant next to the beach. Wanna go?" He suggested.

Next to the ocean in a fancy restaurant? Sounds like a romantic date. Obviously me and Chan are only friends so I should not be thinking that way. Yet, here I am getting flustered over such a stupid thing.

"Sure." I tried to play it cool.

We got to his car and got in. The drive didn't take too long till we saw the pretty view from the sea. It was such a beautiful colour and the sun was shining really bright. I was in awe and Chan chuckled at my reaction.

"We're here." He announced.

I smiled and got out of the car. I placed my hands in my pockets and we began walking towards the pretty restaurant. It look cute and cozy and very expensive at the same time.

"It's so pretty." I whispered.

"I know right." He said, looking at me.

I don't know why but I felt my face heating up and I was getting embarrassed at the fact that he could clearly see my red cheeks.

"You're so cute, Jeongin." He teased which made me even more red.

We went inside the restaurant and ordered a table. We got a clear view of the ocean and I kept staring out of the window. It really was a beautiful sight.

We then ordered our food, I was quite hungry so I was really glad when Chan suggested to come eat here. The food also looked absolutely delicious.

"Channie, I'm getting really worried about Minho hyung. He looks really stressed out these past few days." I spoke.

"I know. I feel like it's because of Hyunjin. Maybe I should've just switched roommates with him. I thought that they could maybe get along again but I guess I was wrong." He sighed.

"As the leader, I should've made sure he was comfortable with Hyunjin. I feel terrible." He added.

"Don't say that." I reassured him.

Without realising, I placed my hand on top of his. I suddenly felt the heat rising to my face again and Chan looked at our hands and had a smug grin.

"I- I mean... it's not your fault. You've done your best and it's good that you try to let everyone get along with each other." I looked away.

I really couldn't look him in the eyes so I kept fidgeting with my shirt. My other hand was still placed on top of his. I felt butterflies in my stomach that I couldn't help.

I was about to take my hand away when suddenly, he grabbed my hand with both of his arms and held it in between. If I wasn't red already, then I sure as hell was now.

"Thank you, Jeongin. I really appreciate that." He thanked me.

He then let go of my hand and took a sip from his water. This man really didn't know how much of an affect he had on me.

"I really want to say something but I'm not sure if I can.." he trailed off.

"What? Tell me, I'll help you out." I offered.

"Alright, well..." he sighed. "I like someone." He announced.

My heart stopped beating for a second. What? He liked someone? I felt a pang of hurt and what seems like jealousy in my chest.

"W-who is it?" I cursed myself for stuttering.

"Oh... it's Felix. Please don't tell anyone." He pleaded.

My smile dropped instantly and I didn't know what to do. My heart hurt and I was definitely jealous. I was mad at myself for feeling that way.

"You don't seem so happy.." he trailed off.

"Oh, no. I'm very happy for you b-but you know that Felix likes Changbin right?" I asked.

"Sadly, I know. We're roommates so he tells me everything. I just can't move on, I really like him, Jeongin." He said, scanning my face for something.

"I see. W-well, there are honderds of people who would love to be with you." I told him.

"I mean even you would like me, it wouldn't make a difference. I like Felix and only him." He said, looking me straight in the eyes with no hesitation at all.

Rejected. That's what I felt.

I didn't even had the chance to confess and he already rejected me.

"You're my best friend so I hope you understand this whole situation. Just don't tell anyone." He kept going.

"I won't." I nodded.

Damn. Rejected and friend-zoned in one minute.

I felt the whole world around me crashing down. Why can't I be the one he likes?

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