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Lee Minho

I probably looked so embarrassing. When did I turn into such a flustered mess? I hope he didn't catch on but who am I kidding? Of course he did.

I decided to take a break but not because I needed to, it's just because I really couldn't focus when Hyunjin is watching my every move.

Now it's his turn to practice and I decided to watch him while leaning against the wall. He put his long hair in a ponytail which suited him so damn much. How could someone look so good while practicing?

He started the music and started to dance. He seemed like he really knew what he was doing and as if he practiced this dance multiple times.

He didn't make any mistake and everything went smoothly. I don't know why Chan asked him to go with me because he was amazing at it. I felt quite embarrassed that I needed his help to get a part right.

After he was done, he caught me staring at him so I quickly looked away as if I was checking the time on my phone.

Those stupid feelings I get when we make eye contact are still there so I try my best to not make eye contact at all.

"Minho." He spoke.

Why does my name sound so beautiful when he says it? Ugh, stupid feelings, go away!

"Yeah?" I asked, looking everywhere but his eyes.

I only looked at his shoes and sometimes the floor. I saw him coming closer to me till we were only a few inches apart. I was still leaning against the wall with my arms crossed.

God, why does he make things hard for me? I'm supposed to get over him.

I felt him stare at me and it took him a second before he spoke again, "look at me."

I looked at his eyes for a second before I looked away again. He is just the person you're supposed to hate, why can't you stand your ground and look confident?

I'm starting to hate this new version of me.

Ever since that stupid kiss, I've been acting like a horny teenager. It's not okay.

He sighed when he saw that I didn't want to keep eye contact and then he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. I was a bit surprised by his sudden act and I really really tried to ignore the tingling feeling I felt on my face where he touched me.

I looked him in the eyes and he looked finally content.

"Look, Minho. I want to talk about this whole thing going on between us." He sighed.

"What are you talking about?" I said, acting oblivious.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about." He said, now more stern.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Was he fucking serious? Was he playing with my feelings? He told me clear enough that everything was a mistake and that we should've forgotten about it. Yet here he is trying to bring it up again.

"If it's about the stupid kiss then we shouldn't talk about anything. We've clearly agreed to forget about it." I glared and pulled my face out of his grasp.

He can go fuck himself. Playing with my feelings like that.

"I know but this whole tension around us is getting overwhelming and I feel like you're avoiding me even more now." He confronted.

"So? Isn't that better? You shouldn't care because we hate each other, Hyunjin. Don't forget that." I snapped.

"I know that, I really do. It's just that we're more awkward and uncomfortable that we're even making our other members worry about us. What changed? You're acting even more strange." He explained.

"You really don't get it, huh?" I asked out of frustration.

"What am I supposed to get?" He asked back.

"That I-Nothing. Never mind." I sighed and looked away.

This is getting out of hand.

"No, tell me. " He told me with a more commanding tone.

"It's nothing ." I sighed. "I do have a question though..." I trailed off, changing the subject.

"Go on." He raised his eyebrow which made me even more nervous.

I took a deep breath, "did you like the kiss?" I asked without thinking and I wanted to bury myself alive then and there. My face was starting to heat up again.

I internally facepalmed myself. How can I ask such a stupid question? He was drunk for god's sake.

"Uh, that's an interesting question indeed." He chuckled at my embarrassment. "But you're quite a good kisser for someone who has never kissed before." He smirked, making my face flush even more.

"U-uh, so you do remember the kiss!" I pointed.

"Yeah after you told me about it, it sort of all came into my mind again. I still don't get why you kissed back with so much passion. I know no one can resist my charms but I thought better from you." He smirked.

"I didn't kiss back because I wanted to, asshole. You made it so intimate with pushing me on the bed!" I accused. "I couldn't help it." I threw my hands in the air.

"So you'd say you didn't enjoy it and I... forced you?" He asked.

"Well, no. I did kiss you willingly back but- but.."

"But what? You liked it!" He grinned. "Lee Minho, my enemy since we've met, liked to share a kiss with me, Hwang Hyunjin." He teased.

"Shut up!" I snapped, my cheeks were burning. "I didn't like it..." I muttered.

"You know, you look really cute when you're such a blushing mess. When did you become like this? I like this version of you more than when you're glaring." He teased even more.

"Ugh! Shut up, I'm not cute. And I'm certainly not blushing because of you, dumbass." I scoffed and pushed him away.

Before I could walk away, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back, making me bump into him.

"What?" I sighed.

"I was just kidding. Why're you so defensive?" He grinned.  "Besides, it's not something embarrassing if you enjoyed kissing me. After all, anyone would enjoy kissing me, it's natural." He continued teasing with a smirk.

"Also," he came close to my ear and I felt his breath against me. "I quite enjoyed it too." He pulled away and looked at me.

"I- stop teasing me!" I scoffed. "It's ridiculous." I muttered, crossing my arms.

Of course he was lying. Who would enjoy kissing me?

"I'm serious though. Although I've never kissed a guy, I did like the kiss. Don't take it to heart though, I still hate your guts." He crossed his arms.

"Feeling's mutual." I scoffed.

"Great, then let's stop being so awkward? It was getting annoying." He complained.

"Whatever." I glared and walked out of the dance studio with my backpack, not even sparing him a glance.

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