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Hyunjin came back and sat on the bed next to me. I just realised how god damn handsome he is. His smooth pale skin and his soft eyes really match well and then his... pink lips. They really do look good.

God, I'm extra horny when I'm drunk.

"Don't look at me like that." Hyunjin looked away.

"Why?" I asked.

"You look like you're judging me." He rolled his eyes.

"I am." I admitted.

"And what's your conclusion?" He asked.

"You're pretty damn handsome." I muttered.

He looked at me with his eyes wide open. "You'll regret saying that in the morning." He chuckled.

"I know." I closed my eyes for a second.

"Since you won't remember this anyway.." he trailed off.

"You're pretty too especially when you get all worked up. I think it's pretty cute rather than intimidating." He admitted.

I pouted. "Hey! I'm not cute" hiccup"when I'm mad."

He chuckled at me as if I just proved him right.

He grabbed my chin to look at my bruise. "Does it hurt a lot?" He asked.

"Um, I don't feel it so not really." I said.

God damn it, why does he keep bringing his face so close to mine.

I couldn't help but to lean closer. Our lips were a few inches away. I slowly closed my eyes. I really didn't know what I was doing.

And before I could consume the situation, he lightly pushed me away. My eyes fluttered open and I only saw blurriness and my head was spinning like crazy.

"What the hell..." he muttered.

I collapsed on his shoulder and closed my eyes for a second. My head really wasn't functioning at all. My body was numb.

He grabbed me by the shoulder to support me from falling while I still rested my head on his shoulder, trying to compose myself.

"You should never get drunk." He said.

I took off my head from his shoulder and got up from the bed but the dizziness came back and I quickly sat down again. I was totally not in the mood to sleep on the couch as it will only worsen my situation.

I took off my sweater and laid back on the bed. It was getting hot.

"You should sleep on the couch." He said.

"No. It's your turn. My back has been hurting like hell these past days." I muttered against the soft pillow.

"Then we will both sleep on the bed. Fine by me." He shrugged, knowing damn well.

"No!" I sat up. "I'm not sleeping in the same bed as you" hiccup." and you probably already got germs from hooking up with that girl all night." I gagged at the thought. 

"What girl?" He asked in confusion.

"Oh, you mean Priya? I didn't hook up with her. She's not my type after all, she just kept on pushing herself on me and I knew that she wasn't serious about us at all. That's why I left her and then I heard you with that bastard in the room." He explained.

"Ow, but still, I don't want to sleep next to you." I laid back.

"It's either both on the bed or you on the couch. I don't have a problem with sleeping next to a dude." He shrugged, implying that I do.

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