39. Special

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Lee Minho

"Ugh, I wish my love life was as easy as everyone else's, hyung." Jeongin complained.

"You're the one to say. I mean, best friends becoming a cute lovely couple, does sound like having a pretty easy love life." I sighed.

"Cute lovely couple my ass!" He said. "Chan doesn't even want to make our relationship public. You're the only member that knows! It sucks you know." He added with a sigh.

Chan had told me about making it official and public but he also told me to not say anything and to make Jeongin think that he actually doesn't want to make it public. Chan wants to surprise him and I think it's actually really cute. Jeongin would love it, I bet seeing that he's so mad and upset now.

"It's probably not like that. Chan loves you, okay? I'm sure he's just scared for you and-"

"You're just saying that to make me feel good." He scoffed. "Hyunjin probably doesn't have a problem with making you two public."

"Uh, about that... I might have made a big deal about something and argued with him yesterday." I said. "He is mad at me now."

Yeah, we had an argument but I wasn't in the wrong. He apparently has a girl best friend and was hanging out with her without even telling me. She then proceeded to come over to our hotel room and act ridiculous around me like I was stealing her boyfriend.

I hate her guts. Hyunjin, the oblivious guy he is, defended her and talked about how "great" of a friend she is. Obviously, I got mad and lashed out and then left him alone in our room. That's kind of the reason why I decided to third wheel Jeongin and Chan again.

"Minho hyung, you really shouldn't let your anger issues take control because if only one thing pisses you off, you'll make sure everyone feels that way but like ten times worse." Jeongin pointed out.

"You're making me sound like I'm some crazy villain. He was the one who defended his friend instead of taking the side of his boyfriend." I crossed my arms.

"God, so both our love lives are messed up." He laughed.

"Yeah, like that shit is funny." I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, I'll go see Chan, seeing how you talk about Hyunjin, I don't want to make him feel like I hate him or something. I hope everything works out between us again." He said.

"Good luck." I muttered.

"Thanks. Also, I recommend for you to do the same. It's bad to leave someone like that. Go talk to him." He said.

"What? Talk to Chan?" I chuckled.

"Idiot." He rolled his eyes playfully.

He got up from the bed and left the room. There I was, sitting alone in the room. I was thinking about Hyunjin. Should I really go talk to him? Isn't he supposed to do that though.

He's the one at wrong so he should apologise.

I scoffed at that thought. Hyunjin will never do that. He loves his "friend" too much to confront her.

I got up from the bed and left the room. As I was in the hall, I saw a girl stomping her feet on the ground in anger.

Someone's mad.

I looked closer and recognised that the girl was actually Hyunjin's friend. My blood began boiling at the sight of the most annoying person.

She turned her head and gave me a glare. It didn't stop there though. She walked up to me and she looked like she was ready to argue and yell.

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