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I finally arrived at the hotel. I took the bus because I wanted to avoid seeing Hyunjin at all costs but that wouldn't be so easy.

I opened the door to my room and quietly tiptoed in. I really thought I could just avoid him but I guess the universe had other plans.

"Lee Minho." I heard.

I slowly turned around and met with an angry Hyunjin. He had his arms crossed and rose an eyebrow.

"You know that I always wake up at 6. Why did you let me oversleep?" He confronted.

"I could ask the same about why you let me walk alone in the rain! Now because of you, my throat hurts." I argued.

"That was completely your fault." He replied.

"Wasn't. Besides, it's your fault that you didn't wake up." I shrugged.

He took a step closer to me and I took a step back. I felt the wall against my back and crossed my arms to seem confident and not intimidated at all.

"What about the car? I had to walk 30 minutes because the busses stopped working." He scoffed.

"That's still not my fault." I answered, raising my head.

He placed his face closer to mine, I could feel his warm breath hitting my face. He did smell nice but that was beside the point. His freaking face was one inch away from mine for god's sake!

"Really?" He asked, giving me a deathly smirk.

God, why does this make my knees weak. It's like I'm getting scolded by my mom when I was a little kid. I really shouldn't be scared by him!

"Y-yes." I tried to say confident but that took a turn when I accidentally stuttered.

I wanted to punch myself so bad. Why did I just do that? Have some control!

Hyunjin seemed to pick on my embarrassing expression. He had a light smirk on his face.

"Did I just make you stutter?" He chuckled.

"No!" I groaned and pushed him away.

But before I could walk away, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. He let go and I almost stumbled on my own feet.

I rolled my eyes at him and wanted to leave again before he placed his hand on the wall, basically pinning me between him and the wall.

"What do you want, Hwang?" I asked with full annoyance.

"I want to know why you want to ruin my life being in the group? You've always wanted to get me out of here. Don't you?" He said.

"You're right. I always wanted you gone but that was quite hard since every fucking fan always adored you so much! You always stole the spotlight." I admitted.

"It's not my fault that everyone likes me more than you." He spat.

I shut up. Thinking about it, everyone did like him better than me. Even when my fan cam was posted, everyone kept talking about Hyunjin. It was pathetic.

"You're fucking right. Everyone does like you more than me." I nodded through the pain.

My eyes started watering and I once again felt pathetic. Why am I so sensitive? It's literally nothing but the damn truth.

I really couldn't cry like that in front of him so I quickly pushed him away and this time he let me. I ran to the bathroom and closed the door.

I really didn't want to face anyone right now. I didn't know I was crying until I felt the tears running down my cheeks. I felt disappointed in myself.

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