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When I arrived at the cafeteria, I saw everyone seated at a table and I sat down too. My god, I'm once again the latest.

"Minho, you're always late. I thought it was always because Hyunjin is with you but now he's here and you're still late." Chan laughed.

"I just need to take extra care for myself to look as pretty as I always do." I sassed and grabbed a glass of water to drink.

"You're very funny." He rolled his eyes, playfully. "Anyways,  Felix and Changbin, huh?" He turned to them.

"Well, so me and Changbin are... kind of-" he then let out a giggle. "Me and Changbin are dating!" He announced.

Everyone seemed shocked but not the fact that they were dating, it's the fact that everyone knew about the little crush that Chan had on Felix. Everyone seemed to catch on to one another and looked at Chan.

Chan looked a bit uncomfortable. "Uh, congrats! I'm really happy for you guys. How long has it been?" He asked.

We all looked confused. ...why is he so cheerful and happy?

"A month." Felix blushed.

"And you're saying this just now?" Hyunjin asked.

"Yeah, we weren't really ready since it was a new thing for the both of.. us." He explained.

"Did you already f-" I cut Jeongin off with a slap to his arm.

"Oh my god-" Felix blushed even more, knowing what Jeongin wanted to ask.

"So you did!" I let out a gasp, earning a slap from Jeongin this time.

"He's obviously feeling awkward." Chan laughed. "Let's just congratulate them."

"Congrats, but I'm still mad you didn't tell me sooner! I thought we were so close." Hyunjin spoke.

"I know, I know and I'm sorry." Felix said.

"Anyways, we want to go on a date in the evening so we won't be able to hang out." Changbin informed.

"That's fine, just be careful with the you know!" He warned jokingly.

We then chatted a bit longer and had a great laugh together. Later on, Seungmin and Jisung came back too. They sat with us and we explained everything they missed. It was fun to be together after such a long time.

Me and Hyunjin were still as awkward as ever that every time I catch him looking, he quickly looks away. I really hated this feeling.

What are you doing to me, Hwang Hyunjin?

We all then got up from the table and Changbin and Felix went together and Chan and Jeongin too. We were left with Seungmin, Jisung and Hyunjin.

"So, how is it between you two?" Seungmin pointed in between me and Hyunjin.

"Like it always is?" Hyunjin said more like asked.

"No, I mean, still arguing? Are you guys friends again?"

"No. There's nothing between us and will never be." He made himself clear.

Why the fuck does that feel like a dagger to my heart? Do I get so attached just because of a kiss?

"That's harsh. I mean because Chabgbin and Felix  are together now, I can't set you up with Felix anymore but now I'm thinking of it, you and Minho seem pretty cute as a couple." Seungmin winked and Jisung laughed at that.

"That's like saying a cat and a dog need to date. They're polar opposites and they seem like enemies." Jisung laughed.

"Opposites attract." Seungmin shrugged.

"You're ridiculous. Jisung is right, we hate each other and we would never ever be a couple." Hyunjin said.

Aigh , stop talking! I can hear my heart breaking.

"Y-yeah. Exactly. Stop saying nonsense." I muttered.

Stop being so nervous about this subject! You and Hyunjin are nothing but enemies. He doesn't like you and you...

Don't like him...

"I'm just saying. Enemies to lovers type." He joked. "I'm just kidding! God, you need to see your faces." He laughed.

"It's not funny." I mumbled, crossing my arms.

"Anyways, I'll leave now." I decided.

"Yeah, me too. You guys  are unbelievable." Hyunjin stood up too.

"Aw, look the love birds are going together." He winked teasingly.

"Ugh, shut up!" Hyunjin said in frustration.

I just shrugged them off and went to my room. When I arrived I quickly took my shoes off and sat on the bed. Changbin and Felix are so lucky. They love each other with no problems or drama.

And then I am here, loving Jisung first but getting heart broken because he definitely doesn't like me and now I'm developing a tiny little crush on Hyunjin.

I just probably think he's good looking, I mean Jisung and Chan had said themselves that they would have a crush on Hyunjin just because he's pretty. It definitely doesn't say that I like him.

And that kiss is also nothing?

Shut up, brain!

I shrugged the thought off as I laid down in the bed and looked at the ceiling when Hyunjin came inside the room.

I just tried to ignore his presence. This stupid crush will go away eventually just like when I had a crush on Jisung.

I closed my eyes while thinking about that day. That kiss felt so passionate and intense that it was impossible for it to be not real but what am I thinking now? He thought I was his ex girlfriend for god's sake.

I felt someone flop beside me on the bed and I opened my eyes, seeing Hyunjin next to me.

I'm supposed to hate you, Hwang.

"How's your wrist?" He suddenly asked.

"Uhm, fine I guess." I replied.

And then we fell in silence again. I kept zoning out thinking about whatever. The silence began to be so loud, I couldn't handle it anymore.

"I have a question." He suddenly spoke which broke the deafening silence.

I felt my heart doing flips because of god knows what. I really should contain myself. He just said a simple thing and I'm already stressing over it.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"When I.. kissed you that night... why didn't you pull away?" He asked.

My stomach dropped and I fell into silence. Yeah, why didn't I pull away?

Maybe because I liked it a bit too much than I should have.

"I.. I tried to but- w-well honestly I don't really know. Maybe it's because it was my first kiss that I didn't want it to go to waste." I shrugged with a bitter laugh.

"Yeah, I'm still so sorry about taking away your first kiss but I do admit," he looked at me. "You're kissing skills are amazing for someone who's never kissed anyone before." He laughed.

I felt my cheeks heat up and I was pretty sure that I looked like a tomato now. I don't know why but that comment made me like a blushing mess.

"Thanks, I guess?" I awkwardly laughed.

"Don't take it the wrong way, I still hate your guts." He said with a playful hint in his voice.

"I hate you too." I replied.

I closed my eyes again and I tried to fall asleep. It was a bit hard because I couldn't focus with Hyunjin in the same bed but I ended up sleeping anyway.

This whole new feeling was confusing me and I didn't like it not one bit. I might be just sexually frustrated. Yeah, that's.. possible.

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