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He looked taken aback and a bit.. nervous?

"Y-you do? Oh then- I get it if you want to forget it, I want it too. Let's just act like it never happened." He stuttered.

Wait, what? What the hell did I do?

"I don't want to forget about it." I said.

I really don't know where I'm trying to get with this but something drastic definitely happened.

"I get that- wait what. You don't.. want to forget about it?" He looked confused.

"No. Do you want to forget about it?" I asked him.

"Uh, yes. Hyunjin, are you serious? You must be still drunk." He shook his head. "Are we even talking about the same thing?"

His soft, nervous expression turned into a glare.

"Yes, and like I said I don't want to forget about it because I.." what do I say? I obviously don't know what happened. "Enjoyed it!" I said.

God, watch it be an embarrassing thing and I'm saying I "enjoyed" it. I internally facepalmed myself.

"You what?!" He nearly shouted.

"You mean.. you enjoyed the fucking kiss? You're definitely still drunk." He said.

I enjoyed the what? The kiss? What does he mean? Please, don't tell me I fucking kissed Lee Minho.

"What?" I asked in disbelief. "I did..." I trailed off

"W- wait, you didn't remember. Shit." He hissed.

"No, and care to repeat what you said?" I asked. "I did what?"

"You kissed me." He said, now a lot more quiet.

It's like he just hit me with a reality check. I suddenly remember what happened. No, no,no,no this can't be real. I refuse to believe it.

Flashback (Hyunjin's POV)

"H-Hyunjin?" I heard him say.

But his voice suddenly changed to Jisu's and I looked up to find her. I looked confused. What are you doing here, Jisu?

Without hesitation I grabbed her cheek and placed my lips onto hers. It didn't feel the same though. Her lips were soft and feminine but these were rough and a bit bigger and while my kiss with Jisu was always so perfect, this kiss was messy but I liked it. It felt nice, it felt genuine.

Their jaw was also a lot more defined and structured. Whoever I was kissing, I liked their lips and I really didn't want to stop kissing them but I guess they didn't feel the same because they didn't kiss me back. I mean anyone would love to kiss me, right?

I pulled away for a second and opened my eyes. Lee Minho? I was about to stop whatever I was doing because it was wrong. Firstly, it was a guy and secondly it was my enemy! But I was far too much loving this that I didn't care. I blamed the drunken state I was in.

I pushed him down and he let out a soft gasp that let me have an opportunity to slide my tongue in his mouth. That's when he finally started moving his lips against mine.

God, I never thought I would find someone else's kiss better than Jisu's but damn I would do anything to kiss him forever like this.

Lee Minho, I never thought I would love your lips.

That's the only thing I love about you.

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