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We turned around and saw manager Ty with an angry expression. I guess he heard our discussion.

"I can't believe you two." He sighed.

"Uh, I'm so sorry." I bowed my head down.

"Look, I've seen a lot of comments and posts saying you guys don't get along but I didn't know it was actually this bad. I thought everyone was close with each other." He said.

"No, actually we really are close we just had a ...disagreement." Hyunjin lied.

"Cut the lies. I already know about the whole roommate thing and half of the internet does too! You do know that this will make people think that none of the members are close with each other. It'll leave a bad image." He explained.

"We know but-"

"There are no buts. People already think that you hate each other and hearing you argue like that really makes it worse." He cut me off.

"We're really sorry but we have no idea of how to fix this situation." Hyunjin said.

"I already thought so which is why I came up with a little plan to settle down the rumours." He answered.

"Which is?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Let's first go to my office to talk." He gestured.

We followed close behind him and sat down on the couch while he sat on the big chair behind his desk.

"So. I have arranged a live meeting for only the two of you. You will be acting very close as if you guys are inseparable. That way, the fans will think that the roommate thing was just a joke. " he explained. "Also, don't sit away from each other like you are social distancing. You both look like you're about to fall off the couch. It's ridiculous." He added.

We both took a very little step towards each other. You couldn't even see the difference.

"Understood?" He asked.

"I guess." I agreed.

"Do we even have a choice?" Hyunjin sighed.

We didn't. Tomorrow, we had to go live again. It will be hell.

"You may go now. It's quite late so have a good night." He said.

We nodded and got up. This is really pathetic. Going live with only him? That's like putting a cat and a dog together.


We went to the car and started driving. It was already very late and I couldn't help but to close my eyes a few times against the chair.

This whole situation blows my mind so much.

You know, this whole rivalry all started when we didn't even debut yet.

I accidentally insulted his skills saying that he can't really sing nor rap which I really didn't mean to come out harshly. Ever since, he kept making comments like "I think you should sing another part because your voice just doesn't suit anything" and stuff like that. It really made me mad so I started insulting him too and when I got eliminated, he kept on saying that he "knew" I wouldn't make it.

And well, after I came back with Felix, he was obviously annoyed by it. I didn't let him ruin my dream of debuting so we never interacted. That is until this. The whole roommate thing ruined my goal of ignoring him.

I never meant to hate him and I genuinely still don't. I know he does but I really don't have a problem if he decides to become civil with me. In fact, I think it would make my life much more easier. But since he's so petty about it, then be it.

Thinking about all that made me really sleepy that I couldn't even control my eyelids anymore. My mind slowly shut down and blackness over took me.


Hyunjin's POV

After the exhausting drive back to our hotel, I parked the car. It was already pitch black outside.

Minho was already asleep which I knew because I kept checking the mirror. I don't why I did though, I guess it was automatic.

I got out of the car and opened the car door. Minho was peacefully sleeping. He looked so soft and cute when he doesn't frown. I quickly shrugged off those thoughts. Why am I thinking like that?

I placed a strand of hair away from his eyes and scanned his face for a second. Damn it, he really is pretty as an angel. His pure, glowing skin and his lips that are slightly curved downward, his eyebrows that are resting very nicely.

He looked admirable when he's so calm but then it all gets ruined when he opens up his mouth. I guess we really are meant to hate each other.

I placed my hand on his shoulder to wake him up but he didn't even move. I shook him a little bit but there still wasn't a response. I sighed.

How am I supposed to get him up?

I guess there isn't any other solution but to carry him or...

I could just leave him here but my hatred for him is not that strong. After all, he is still my band mate and sadly my roommate too.

I placed my arm under his head and pulled him up. He rested his whole body on mine. I moved my arm around his waist and pulled him closer so he wouldn't lose his balance.

He took slow steps, slightly awake but his eyes were too heavy to open. His hand tugged on the ends of my t-shirt.

When we got to the elevator, I rested myself against the wall and his head fell on my shoulder. His soft hair kept touching my jaw, it was kind of ticklish.

It was a whole challenge to get him to our room though, he kept stumbling making me almost lose my balance.

I gently let him rest on the wall while I searched for the keys. I always keep them with me and I honestly have no idea why he doesn't fight me for that too.

I struggled a bit with the keys when suddenly I felt a pair of arms around my waist. Minho had his head nuzzled up in my back. He placed all his weight on mine and I almost fell against the door from the sudden action.

Yeah, we were in a pretty weird position.

I finally opened the door and we got in.

I grabbed his waist again and led him to the bed. He fell on the bed and yawned against the pillow. I took off his shoes and threw the blanket on him.

I picked up a pillow and another blanket to sleep on the couch. I think he deserves a day off of the back pain.

I already laid down on the couch when someone knocked on the door. I got up again and opened the door.

It revealed manager Ty. I looked confused at him. What is he doing here again? God, if it's for some other ridiculous thing...

"I just came to give you guys this contract, you both should sign it and I will come by tomorrow to pick it up." He explained.

"Oh, alright." I nodded and took the map.

"Is Minho already asleep?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. I was about to go to bed too." I replied

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