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Hwang Hyunjin

"So for our next episode in a few weeks, what are we going to do?" Chan asked us.

"Hmm, I had a few things noted but my favourite must be.." Seungmin started. "We're going to make 4 groups of 2 and we have to complete challenges in an amount of time. The two last groups get the penalty." He explained.

"Seems like a great idea. We'll just see what kind of games we'll play." Chan nodded.

"Great, we can do like... drink two cans of whatever as fast as you can." Jisung suggested.

"Yeah, I'll note that. Anyways, I'll talk to manager Ty anyway so he can make up the whole thing." Chan said.

After a few discussions later, we've agreed on some challenges we could do. We then decided to go eat something in the cafeteria for breakfast.

We got up from the couch and left Seungmin and Jisung's room. Yeah, they did a few changes because of Changbin and Felix together. So now Jeongin and Chan are roommates.  Jisung chose to room with Seungmin, that's why Jeongin had to room with Chan. I still think it's unfair how they don't let me and Minho switch.

It would be better because I still feel as awkward as ever to be with Minho alone. It's all my fault, I know.

We went to the cafeteria and chose a table to sit at. We all ordered what we wanted, there was a seat free in between Minho and Jeongin but I told Innie to go sit next to Minho. So I was now seated in between Innie and Chan.

I felt bad for breaking Jeongin and Chan apart because they seemed to be talking about something but I just can't sit next to Minho.

"So what are you guys doing after this?" Jeongin asked.

"Me and Jisung will go live." Seungmin answered, taking a sip of his water.

"Oh, how about you guys?" Jeongin asked us.

"Me and Changbin are going to visit my mom. She will go back to Australia tomorrow and I just want to see her for the last time." Felix said.

"Awh, well, send her our greetings." Chan said.

"Will do." Felix said with a smile.

"I just think I'll work on the choreography of our new single." Minho said.

"I was going to work on the lyrics of our next song." Chan said.

"So what are you doing Hyunjinnie?" Innie asked.

"Not sure." I shrugged. "You?"

"Hmm, I think I'll just disturb Seungmin and Jisung's live." He said which made us all laugh.

"Hyunjin, maybe you should also work on the dance with Minho. You guys are the dancers of our group after all." Chan suggested.

"Uh, sure, I guess." I muttered, not looking at Minho.

Everyone could feel the tension so they decided to change the subject about something else. I didn't really listen further. I was zoned out the rest of the time.

As soon as I was done with eating, I went to my room to grab my practice backpack and drove to our dance studio. I didn't want to practice at the same time as Minho. That would be too awkward.

After an hour of practicing, I decided to take a break. Just then, I heard someone open the door and to my surprise it was Minho. I thought he decided to not come anymore since it's been a while. I should've known,

I opened my water bottle, sipping a bit of water and acted as if I was alone in the room. I was quite out of breath from all the dancing, my legs felt weak so I needed the break really bad. I really love dancing but sometimes it's just too exhausting.

Minho started the music from the radio and he placed his backpack on the ground before starting to dance on the rhythm of the song immediately.

His movements were very sharp and flawless. He is our main dancer after all. His skills improved so much since we debuted, it's insane.

I was pretty impressed of how much he can make the dance much more amazing and cool. His focused face was oddly appealing that I couldn't even keep my eyes away. It's like he his head was empty and his body was moving on its own.

After a few minutes of watching him dance, I noticed that he kept skipping a part of the dance. Maybe he had a bit of trouble with that part. It was a difficult move though.

Minho, then, paused the song. He looked a bit frustrated while trying to do the part he skipped a few times. I was right, he did had difficulties with it.

He groaned out loud when he didn't understand how the movements were supposed to be.

"If you're having trouble, I can show you how to do that part. I'm pretty good at it." I suggested.

"No, thanks. I'm fine." He muttered, still looking at himself in the big mirror.

I forgot that he's so stubborn sometimes.

I got up from the little bench, I was resting on and walked towards him. He suddenly stopped in his tracks when he saw that I was approaching him.

His face looked confused as to what I was doing. I grabbed his waist to show him were to stand and his eyes widened. I placed his shoulders in the right place and his arms in the right position. His face was turning a bit red and I assumed it was just because of the heat in the room.

I did the part first to show him and then I helped him do it. He didn't complain or say anything which was surprising.

"Eh, I guess I got it." He muttered.

He then played the music again and danced the whole choreography. The difficult part came and he managed to do it flawless. He really is a quick learner.

"That was great." I said.

Honestly, it was amazing but I'll never say it like that. He'll get too ahead of himself.

"Thanks." He hummed.

He was a bit breathless and his face was still red. I don't know why but his out of breath state was kind of hot. I knew it was wrong to think that but I just couldn't help and stare at him. He really looked good.

When I kissed him that night, I was half sober. I knew what I was doing and I knew who I was doing it with. Yet I still continued. I felt terrible after of course and especially when I knew it was his first kiss.  I kind of regretted it but if I could do it all again, would I change it?

No, I wouldn't.

I've never thought of kissing a dude but Minho's lips were just so soft and sweet. I really couldn't pull away and I wish I controlled myself more that night.

I've never thought of him that way. Never ever.

I hate him. I really do. But his lips are another thing. I also love how soft he looks when he is sleeping. He really looks innocent and sweet but then when he's awake, he's always glaring at me and arguing with me.

Maybe that's why I've never appreciated his beauty. Now that he looks so flustered and messy, he seems really pretty.

I shrugged those stupid thoughts off. I shouldn't be thinking about him like that. He's my enemy and that only.

Nothing less, nothing more.

I went back to the bench to drink from my water and then when Minho decided to take his break, I was the one who was practicing again. I played the music and I started the choreography.

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