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Lee Minho

This whole Hyunjin taking care of me is kind of turning me on. I've never seen him act that way towards me and it's making me feel different.

I know I shouldn't because he now has another girlfriend which really does bother me.

His arm around my waist is giving me butterflies and my ears felt like it was hot and my face was probably red too.

"Thanks." I muttered as I sat down on the bed.

He had already chosen my outfit so I started dressing myself up. Hyunjin gave me space to do so.

"Um, I'll go outside for bit, I'll be right back." He stated and I nodded.

I sighed at that. He probably went to go see his girlfriend. Last night, she talked about him needing to come over because her roommate was gone. Obviously anyone would know what that means.

And somehow the thought of him kissing and touching someone else is making me uneasy.

God damn it, I think this case is worse than when I liked Jisung.

This isn't a little crush anymore, I just like him, and I feel like I'm slowly falling in love which I'm scared of.

I don't want to get rejected and heartbroken.

After I was done wearing my clothes, I got under the sheets and turned on the tv, trying to forget about Hyunjin possibly making out with his girlfriend.


I was slowly dozing off when I heard the front door opening. Hyunjin came back. I wasn't sure how long he had been gone.

"Hey, I'm back. Um, I bought some food for you." He greeted.

He.. bought food?

"You didn't need to." I mumbled.

"Minho, you haven't eaten in two days." He scoffed.

I didn't say anything back. Hyunjin sat on the bed next to me and gave me the food. It looked delicious.  I licked my lips just at the thought of food. I guess I really was hungry.

"Thanks." I said and started to eat.

I stuffed my mouth with the food and drank a bit from my water bottle. I was wondering if Hyunjin went outside to buy me food or if he also went to see his girlfriend.

"Um, Hyunjin, you went to buy me food?" I asked.

"What kind of question is that?" He chuckled. "Of course I did."

I felt a bit dumb. Yeah, duh he bought me food but I didn't meant that.

I ignored it and ate further. I asked Hyunjin if he wanted to eat too but he said that he was full.

After I was done, Hyunjin cleaned up the mess. I felt a bit bad because Hyunjin was forced to take care of me. I didn't want to be a burden.

"Hyunjin, if you want to go outside then I'm not stopping you. I don't want you to spend your break, taking care of me." I spoke.

He turned to look at me and sighed, "Minho, if I wanted to leave then I would have but I don't."

I gulped. Does he genuinely care about my health?

"I just want you to know that if you want to go see your gir- I mean... your friends then go." I stuttered out.

Great way to go, Minho.

He lightly smirked at my mistake. "You think I have a girlfriend?"

"Uh, no, I meant-"

"Minho, I know you heard my call last night and if you're really that curious, we broke up." He replied.

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