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It was almost 8 pm when I finally arrived at the hotel. I parked the car and got out, heading inside the building.

When I got to my room, I knocked on the door because I didn't have the keys with me. After 4 times of knocking, still no answer. My patience was starting to die. Where the hell is Hyunjin? He can't be asleep, right?

I knocked again, much more louder and the door finally got unlocked. Hyunjin opened the door, the only thing he was wearing were a pair of shorts and his hair was dripping wet. He looked like he just got out of the shower and my eyes can't seem to help but to look at his bare abs.

This guy is really fit. His toned muscles are just eye-catching. Which I'm jealous of considering the fact he only goes to the gym like twice a week while I try to go almost everyday.

"I know I'm hot but eyes up here." He pointed.

I felt embarrassed that he caught me staring, I tried to play it off, "you're full of shit." I mumbled and got past him, inside the hall.

I took my jacket off and placed it in my closet. I also took off my shoes and socks. Finally, I thought I'll never get free of that stupid date. She was starting to get on my nerves.

"So, how was the date?" Hyunjin asked and I turned around to him.

He was leaning against the wall, his arms looking very well toned and his veiny hands were quite a distraction. He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow which made me shrug those awful thoughts off.

"Horrible." I replied and he suddenly had an amusing grin on.

He was seriously enjoying seeing my love life fall apart, huh?

"Why are you smiling?" I glared at him.

"Just because I think it's funny and kind of cute how inexperienced you are in the whole dating thing." He chuckled. "You probably scared her off with your glares." He added with a laugh.

Cute? He thinks it's fucking cute.

"I'm not inexperienced. She just had issues with her ex and tried to find a replacement to let her move on from him." I explained. "She was obviously not over her ex and definitely not ready to commit again."

"Oh, that must hurt. You liked her?" He asked.

I wanted to say no but since he has been pushing his love for Jisu in my face, I might as well give him the taste of his own actions.

"Yes, I really did. She's so nice and god, she's really pretty." I bragged. "Too bad she's not over her ex other wise she would've definitely liked me. I mean we were bonding so good. She also told me I'm her type and stuff but yeah, she's not ready I guess." I added, looking at his face for a change of reaction.

But no, he does not seem bothered nor jealous. He looked completely normal like I just said "the weather is nice". I would be lying if I said that it didn't hurt me just a little bit. I'm so mad for always being the one who's hurting while he just doesn't seem to care about my feelings anyway.

Really, Minho, get your shit together.

"Sucks. When I got heart broken, I just drank my sorrow away. You should try." He chuckled.

"No, thanks. I'll pass on getting an intense headache and hungover in the morning." I sighed. "Besides, we both know that if one of us is drunk it will always lead to a disaster."

A disaster indeed.

I took off my button up shirt and pants and changed into comfortable sweatpants and a T-shirt to sleep in.

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