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A strange muffled sound woke me up. It was still pitch dark. My eyes kept closing and opening. I decided to shrug it off since I was so exhausted and tired.

But then a voice started speaking,

"Babe, when can we meet again? It feels like ages even though it's like.. what? 5 hours?" A giggle escaped the lady's voice.

It was an unfamiliar voice that felt like was from a device and not live. I felt like I was dreaming so I decided once again to shrug it off but then a louder voice spoke which was familiar.

"I know, I know, I promise to take you out tomorrow, well basically today since it's.." a pause. "2 am. God, I really need to sleep." He chuckled.

The voice was Hyunjin's. So it's not a dream. He was on a call with... god knows who. It was obviously a girl and.. he was going to take her out? What's that supposed to mean?

Yeah, my head wasn't functioning. I opened my eyes again but tried to not make any movements. I was still faced with my back towards him.

"Hmm, right I'm sorry, I'll hang up." The girl spoke again.

"No, no, I enjoy speaking to you much more than sleeping." He said and I could just hear the smile in his voice.

Who the fuck is he talking to?

It was definitely not Jisu because the voice is completely different. Has he moved on already?

My heart felt like it was stuck for a moment. So, all those times I thought he had might liked the kiss and started to actually like me, he.. already had someone else? I shouldn't feel hurt, I know and I'm not. It's just that I feel dumb for being so dense.

It doesn't affect me and it actually is for the best if he has someone else so that I can move on in peace.

"Aw, I like this better than sleeping too, Hyunjinnie."

"It's only been a few weeks but I feel so close to you already. It's like we've met a while ago. You really are the most beautiful guy I've ever seen. Thank you for giving me a chance." She said.

"I should be thanking you. Really. You've made me feel so loved and.. I've never actually felt that way ever. " Hyunjin replied with confidence.

Obviously, he knows that he can get anyone he wants just by looking at them.

I guess I'm one of them too and it angered me because I'm Lee Minho, I shouldn't fall for a guy like him. It should've been the opposite, he's the one who needs to be attracted to me but no. It's never like that and will never be.

"you're making me blush." She giggled once again and her voice itched my brain the wrong way.

How am I supposed to fall asleep after this? I can not.

"You know, after our first kiss yesterday, I didn't say anything but the truth is... I was so freaking shy and flustered I was about to faint! That kiss was so amazing, I've never kissed someone and felt that way. I'm just confident to say this because we're on a call. I could never say this to you face to face." She laughed. "I just wanted you to know that you're the best kisser ever."

And that is true.

Even when drunk, he gives the best kisses. I wonder how good of a kisser he actually is when sober.

I guess I won't ever find out.

"I didn't expect you to admit that." He chuckled. "I was worried for a second that you didn't like the kiss." He said with a playful tone.

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