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He saw me looking down with watering eyes and his face softened for a second but then he sighed.

He placed his face closer to mine and I could feel his breath hitting my face. I kept looking down, not daring to meet his eyes. I felt my face turn a bit red and I really wanted to face palm myself. I'm really making a fool out of myself and I hated it.

He grabbed my chin and forced me to look up which I did. His eyes bore into mine and my face flushed again. He smirked at my state and I felt even more embarrassed.

"Jisu will never like you." He reminded with a scoff.

He let go of my face and left, leaving me standing there alone. I really felt pathetic but I also felt something weird in my stomach. This isn't right. I slapped my hand on my forehead and scoffed loudly.

I decided to go outside of the studio and saw that Hyunjin left with the car and it started raining heavily. I sighed and started to walk. Luck really isn't on my side.

Ugh, I wanna punch him so bad. How dare he let me walk in this cold weather and rain?

As if it wasn't worse already, my phone fell from my pockets and in a pool of rain. I cursed at myself and I quickly bended down to it but it didn't turn on. As expected.

I was so angry that I threw the phone on the ground again. This is pathetic.


After I finally got home, walking in the cold rain, I felt very uncomfortable and sticky. My first instinct was to shower.

I grabbed my clothes and towel and went to the bathroom. I turned on the warm water to get in.

I felt like I was going to catch a cold.

I got under the warm water and showered myself. I combed my hair and got ready.

After the shower, I dressed up. I wore a pair of shorts and a white t-shirt. My hair was messy but I didn't care because I was going to bed anyways.

I got out of the bathroom and saw Hyunjin on the bed with his phone in his hand.

"Why did you just leave me in the damn rain?" I snapped at him.

"You didn't come to the car." He simply replied with a teasing grin.

I really wanted to slap him across the face.

"You- ugh!" I threw my hands in the air.

I got on the bed and under the covers. I turned my back against him because I really couldn't look at him right now. His face makes me so mad.

After a few minutes of silence in the dark, I was sure that he was asleep so I turned around again because I couldn't sleep the other way.

I kept coughing and I was getting sick of it. I really did catch a cold.

I felt Hyunjin shift in the bed and grab a bottle of water and hand it to me. I hesitatingly accepted it since I was about to die from coughing.

I quickly drank from it and breathed loudly. I muttered a quick thanks and laid down again.

I really hope this night will pass quickly. I closed my eyes and started to drift off in deep sleep.


The annoying sound of my alarm woke me up at 6 am. I turned it off and got up from under the blankets.

Hyunjin was still sleeping so I decided to let him be. I won't wake him up so he can be late. I could care less.

He didn't care about me walking in the rain then I won't care about him being late either.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face.

After that I wore a simple outfit. A blue sweater and black jeans.

We had a meeting at 7 with all the members about the next concert so it was important for everyone to be on time.

I was already grinning at the thought of finally getting my revenge on Hyunjin.


Everyone sat at the table and Chan kept giving me looks, asking me where Hyunjin is. I just shrugged.

I also took the car here so he will be extra late. That's how he will learn his lesson.

"Ty is waiting on Hyunjin. Why didn't you wake him up, Minho?" Chan whispered.

"Well I-"

"I'm calling Hyunjin but he doesn't pick up. I'll just start without him and I'm sending him a message." Manager sighed.

"Alright, so the concert will be in a few weeks so you guys have about 4 weeks time to learn all the choreographies of the album." He informed.

Everyone nodded and so the conversation kept on moving. It was already 9 am and Hyunjin was still in no sight.


After what felt like ages, someone knocked on the door and it opened. Hyunjin revealed himself and bowed down and apologised for being late.

"Sorry, my alarm didn't go off and I couldn't find the car so I had to walk. I'm really sorry." He apologised again.

"It's fine. Just go sit down and check your alarms before sleeping." Our manager warned.

Hyunjin nodded and sat down next to Jeongin and Jisung.

I met his eyes and he gave me a glare. I returned him a grin.

We discussed some other topics and after that manager Ty gave us some free time alone. He went to go grab a coffee and everyone broke out talking.

"Hyunjin, you were 3 hours late! Even Changbin got sooner here." Chan shook his head.

"Yo, I'm here!" Changbin said, touching his chest with fake hurt.

"I know, I really thought I turned on my alarms." He sighed.

They kept on talking but I didn't really care so I got on my phone. Everyone seemed to love our new song and I was really excited for the concert if I'm honest. It's also in Seoul so we didn't have to travel anywhere far.

After the meeting, we were free. Some of the boys decided to go out with their roommates but I decided to stay in my hotel room.

I felt like Hyunjin wasn't going to let me slide off that quick so I was quite scared for that.


Hey my lovely people!

I really appreciate you guys supporting me by reading this book and I would like it even more if you comment or give this chapter a star 🌟!!

Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy! (Ps: hyunho alert for next chapter!)

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