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AGAIN | 05


COMING BACK from the rooftop, Y/n entered the room and immediately saw Steve and the rest of the Avengers huddled up. Natasha turned around when she heard Y/n enter, giving him a small smile which he returned. Y/n walked over to where Steve and Thor stood.

"What's going on?" Y/n asks, leaning on the railing near Steve. 

"We were discussing the situation. We received a message from Ultron." Thana told him, giving him the iPad. Muttering a small thank you, Y/n takes the iPad. He opened the message, his eyebrows furrowed. "Strucker's dead?" he asks, surprised. Everyone exchanged looks and nodded.

"And he did a Banksy at the crime scene, just for us." Tony added in, folding his arms over his chest.

"This is a smokescreen." Nat pointed out. Thana shook his head slowly as he stares at her blankly. "Why send us a message when you've just given a speech?" she asks confusedly, looking at her. 

"Strucker must have known something that Ultron wanted us to miss." Steve pointed out, thinking aloud, "Or maybe he just wants to taunt us. Either way, he knows too much and we need to find him." Nex commented, looking at Steve.

"Yeah, I bet he..." Y/n said, looking at Nex, "Everything we had on Strucker's been erased." Natasha informed, cutting into his sentence as she looks at all of them. 

"No, no not everything." Tony objected, interrupting Nat's argument against him.Everyone looked at him questioningly. Tony sighed deeply before continuing his explanation "He didn't erase it all." everyone looked at him expectantly "There are still some things we could find." before walking to another room.

Walking back into the room, he showed them the documents "These files are kept somewhere close. Somewhere safe." He tells them. "So let's search for anything connected to Strucker." He suggests looking at all of them.

No one objects and starts to flip through folders and papers, looking for anything. "Known associates. Baron has a lot of friends." Steve speaks up, flipping through multiple files as he finds the one that interests him. 

"Well, these people are all horrible." Bruce adds on, reading a file in disgust.

 As Y/n flips through the file, Tony notices something on the corner, glancing at it, he sees the picture. He stops as he recognized the man in the photo, "Shit. I know that guy." he mumbled, putting the file he reads back in the pile on the table, taking the one Y/n's holding. Everyone looks at him curiously as the rest of the team glances at the picture.

"From back in the day. He operates off the African coast." He tells them, "Black market arms." he adds on before handling the file to Thor, and pointing at the picture of the man, "That's him. Black market arms dealer. Runs a small business in Africa with a base there." he informs everyone.

Steve looks at him wondering why he knows who he is, Tony turns to face Steve looking at his eyes, narrowing them, "There are conventions. All right? You meet people. I didn't sell him anything." he says, sounding defensive. Steve looks at him confused before he continues to look at the file, "He was talking about finding something new, a game-changer. It was all Ahab." Tony continues to explain as Steve begins to understand what he means. 

"This?" Thor asks holding up the file in his hand, handing Y/n her own, while keeping the one Steve is looking at in his, pointing to one picture. Everyone turns their heads in Thor's direction, looking at him. "Ah, It's a tattoo, I don't think he had it." Tony states. 

Thor shakes his head slightly, showing them the picture he was referring to, "No, those are tattoos, this is a brand." he tells the others as they turn their heads back towards the screen, looking up what brand it is.

"Oh, yeah. It's a word in an African dialect meaning "thief". In a much less friendly way." Bruce notes as the results came up.

"What dialect?" Y/n asks confused, looking at the information on the screen. Nex moves closer to get a closer look at the screen, "Wakanada?" Nex says, trying to pronounce it, but I don't know." he admits. They look at Bruce, "It's Wakanda, not Wakanada." Bruce points out.

Nex rolled his eyes at himself before looking back at the screen, "Right. Sorry." he replies awkwardly. "Anyways, that doesn't matter now." he adds on, trying to focus on the task at hand. 

"If this guy got out of Wakanda..." Thana starts, pulling everyone's attention away from the screen, "With some of their trade goods-" Steve cuts in, looking at Tony "I thought your father said he got the last of it." he questions, raising an eyebrow. 

"Okay, wait. Slow down a little bit. There are a few people in the room that don't understand." Nex tells the two of them, "Not me. I get it. But for them, maybe repeat it and tell us, I mean them what comes out of Wakanda." he explains before giving them an innocent smile. 

Thana shakes her head before clearing her throat, looking at Steve then looking at his shield "The strongest metal on Earth."


Wanda gripped her head, feeling a headache coming. She knows that she's gonna get another vision soon, so she decides to stay behind and wait. "Wanda, you coming or not? Let's go." Pietro calls stopping his tracks, turning his body around and facing Wanda.

Wanda gives him a small nod, "Yeah, just give me a minute. You go first." She tells him, looking away to hide the pain she was feeling. Pietro shrugs before turning around, continuing to walk. Once he's outside, Wanda lets the pain flow through her, closing her eyes, waiting for the vision to come through.

The next thing she knew, she was standing in a forest, surrounded by nothing but trees. As Wanda tries to figure out where exactly she was, she felt herself getting dizzy and tired. The wind blew through the leaves, rustling them in a rhythmic tune. Wanda looked around before turning around and making her way deeper into the forest.

As soon as Wanda made it deeper into the woods, she started to see more and more bodies, laying on cold concrete graves, buried under dirt and grass. Wanda walks through the tombstones before stopping abruptly, letting out a quiet gasp. Standing in front of her, she stared at a tall man dressed in black clothing. She watched silently as he slowly turned around, revealing his face to her. It was the man from her visions. 

The man furrowed his brow in confusion when he saw no one, causing him to raise a hand to his ear to try and listen for any voices. When he hears nothing he frowns, even more, shaking his head, turning back around, and starting to walk away. Wanda stands still as she watches the man, watching the tears running down his face as she watches him continue to walk until he disappears from sight.

Wanda looks at the tombstone the guy stood in front of, seeing the name, engraved on it. "Elizabeth." she whispers before looking at the tree in front of her which was covered with white roses. Wanda smiles softly, bending forward to pick up a flower, and placing it gently on top of Elizabeth's tombstone. 

Opening her eyes again, she wipes the tear that slipped down her cheek, sighing sadly. She doesn't know who the man hell she didn't even know who the woman was, but she feels all the sadness and hopelessness the man feels, she knows how's losing someone really feels like, and it hurts her to see someone else in such pain. 

She does hope she'll see the man in real life and not just in her visions. Then maybe, she can help him and the man may find happiness in his life, just like the woman in the cemetery would have hoped for. Wanda closes her eyes once more before opening them again, realizing it's already time for her to go after Pietro.

[Not Edited]

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