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AGAIN | 06


WALKING INSIDE THE ROOM, Wanda glared at the man trying to intimidate him but failing so. His smile didn't falter as he looked into her eyes.

"Yeah. The Enhanced." The man trailed off, "Strucker's prize pupils. So nice of you to join me here." He said with a smirk. He sat down on a chair and take one candy from the bowl on the table, offering it to them "Do you want a candy? Hmm?" but the twins just glares at him, not accepting or even moving. He sighs, taking a candy and popping it in his mouth. 

"I was sorry to hear about Strucker but then, he knew what kind of world he was helping create. Human life. Not a growth market." he stated calmly, looking at them. The twins looked at each other clearly confused about what the hell he was talking about.

"Oh, You didn't know?" The man questioned before he continued, "Is this your first time intimidating someone?" He paused waiting for an answer but receives nothing as they just glare at him "I'm afraid I'm not that afraid." He stated smiling slightly.

The twins look at each other again and then back at the man, "Everybody is afraid of something." Wanda says, stepping forward. The man looks surprised by her comment and chuckles lightly. "Cuttlefish." he suddenly squeaked out, "Deep sea fish, they make lights, disco lights... To hypnotize their prey, and then..." making a 'boom' sound, closing his fists.

"I saw a documentary. It was terrifying." he spoke softly, making sure the twins knew that he was being serious. 

Pietro speeds up around the room and takes a candy from the box and sticks it in his mouth as the man looked at him, "So if you're going to fiddle with my brain and make me see a giant cuttlefish, then I know you don't do business. And I know you're not in charge." Standing up, "And I only deal with the man in charge."

A hand landed on his shoulder, turning to see who it was. His face changed from a neutral expression to shock when he sees it was Ultron. The man was thrown out of the room, hitting a glass wall and causing it to shatter. 

Looking down at the man "There is no man in charge." He states firmly, bending down before stopping only an inch away from the man. He could see the fear in his eyes as his hands start to tremble. "Let's talk business." He continued, slowly standing up and leaving.

Turning to leave, Wanda followed closely behind him. The man let out a sigh of relief and tried picking himself off the floor. He turned around to find Pietro staring at him. The man gulps and turns to run, but he was blocked by him quickly. "Move along now they're waiting for us." Pietro stated, picking him up to fasten the pace, making the man dizzy and sick to the stomach. 

Arriving at the area, he put down the man and walks over to Wanda. The man turned around to call one of his lackeys. "Open it." He orders. The lackey quickly opened it to reveal a much toxic waste barrel filled with acid and gas. Before the container moved down, the man walked inside and took out a glass container, handing it to Ultron. "Upon this rock, I will build my church."

"Vibranium." Tossing it to Pietro, "You know, It came at great personal cost. It's worth billions." The man explained, scratching the back of his neck. Chuckling softly "Now so are you." He replies, the man quickly received money "It's all under your dummy holdings. Finance is so weird but I always say, 'Keep your friends rich and your enemies rich and wait to find out which is which.'" He finishes.

"Stark." The man turned around to look at him, "What?" Ultron asked confusedly. "Tony Stark used to say that... To me. You're one of his." Ultron blinked, "What? I'm not..." grabbing the man's arm and pulling him closer, the lackey quickly grabbed his gun but was restrained as red hues surround his hands. "I'm not. You think I'm one of Stark's puppets? His hollow men? I mean, look at me. Do I look like Iron Man?" Ultron asks angrily. "Stark is nothing!" he spits, cutting off the man's arm and throwing the broken limb across the room. 

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