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AGAIN | 13


"HOW DID ULTRON get Thana and Nat anyway? How did he take them?" You asked Nex, trying to understand what happened while you were gone. Walking inside the room where Nat and Thana were currently being held, you looked around curiously. 

"Well, Nat was dragged with one of Ultron's "minis" after delivering the cradle, as, for Thana well..., She saw Nat being dragged, so obviously, she jumped right after." Nex replied as he walked beside you, watching you carefully as you scanned the area.

"And obviously you just sit there and watch them being dragged away." You deadpanned in an annoyed tone as you started walking towards the cell door.

Nex look at you, "I'm sorry, I thought Thana already got this which turns out she doesn't..." He said with an apologetic expression. "But I do know they're alright. They're not stupid." He added reassuringly.

Your face turned serious when you heard him, "I hope you're right." You muttered under your breath, as you opened the door to enter the cell. 

"Nat! Thana!" Your voice sounded desperate as you entered, looking around anxiously hoping they weren't hurt too bad. "Y/n?" They but shouted at the same time and looked around desperately, not seeing each other.

"Oh thank god!" You breathed out as you ran straight to their cell. "You guys okay? Are you hurt?" You asked worried, putting your hands on their shoulders. They shook their heads quickly, "No, we're fine."

"Oh god, what happened to your lip?!" You exclaimed in shock when you caught sight of the purple bruise that was forming on Natasha's mouth as you reached her side. "Don't worry about it." Natasha said with a small smile, trying to make light of the situation. "We'll be out of here in no time, you can be sure of that." She added in a reassuring voice, smiling at you.

"God, Nat your lip looks terrible!" Nex exclaimed the moment he and Thana arrived by your side. She shot him a glare at his comment, before replying, "Wow, thanks for stating the obvious."

"Anyways... The team's in the city. It's about to light up." he continued and the three of you nodded.

"I don't suppose you found a key lying around somewhere." You asked, pointing towards the lock of the cell. "Yeah, I did!" He said proudly, reaching inside his pocket. "Here." He said when he handed you nothing. Looking down at your hand, you raised a brow when you realized that he gave you nothing. 

 "Of course, I didn't find a key just lying around anywhere," Nex stated sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest. "But I did find something else." He continued, as he stepped back a little bit and lifted a weapon. "Step back." He warned you, his finger on the trigger.

Thana and Natasha quickly moved backwards and stood against the wall opposite you. A few seconds later you could see the beam coming from the barrel, hitting the cell door. Seconds later the door was knocked off its hinges. 

Nex smirked triumphantly, "See? I told you." You shot him an exasperated look, muttering something about him being a dick under your breath.

"So what's our play?" Thana asked, coming out of the cell, followed by Nat.

"So here's how we'll play this, We're gonna get you two to safety, out of danger. Got it? No fighting." You explained with a hint of seriousness in your voice. 

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