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AGAIN | 07


"NEED SOME HELP down there?" You asked, shouting at the large male figure in front of you with a hint of amusement in your voice. It didn't take long for him to notice you as he turned around and gave a small smile as if saying 'hi'. 

"You seem like you need help, Rogers." You quipped.

"You got here fast." He remarked as he glanced over the building he just jumped off of. His attention was diverted when he noticed a helicopter coming into view, shooting at Bucky and Black Panther.

"Sam." He called over to his companion.

"Got him." Sam replied as he quickly made his way towards the aircraft, kicking its tail to send it spinning back in the direction he came from.

Bucky managed to push Black Panther off of him and roll out before standing up and started running towards the edge of the rooftop before jumping off.  

"Shit." You muttered under your breath as you watched Black Panther follow Bucky without hesitation and jump off the rooftop after him. You quickly stepped back from the railings and started to run towards the edge of the building which allowed you to jump over to the next building and land in a crouching position. 

You stand up again and ran towards the edge, leaping from the roof and landing lightly on the ground below before running behind Steve.

"Steve." You called out as you ran along side him.

"You got a plan?" You asked as he glanced over at you, "Or are we just gonna follow those two?" You added, pointing towards where the two just jumped from. A helicopter had shot up above them just moments ago, and now that they're gone from sight, You two became the new target to shoot at.

"We do what we can," He answered before taking a deep breath and then letting out another one. "I'm going after them." He stated and took off running in the direction Bucky and Black Panther disappeared towards.  

"We're following them then." Rolling your eyes as you followed behind him, both running towards where they jumped. Your legs became slightly tired when you finally reached the corner where Bucky and Black Panther had jumped down.

Jumping down after them, you landed neatly on the ground, immediately spotting the other three ahead.

"I think my age is finally catching up with me." You grumbled under your breath, running after them as the sounds of cars speeding through the streets and people yelling filled your ears.

"Y/n, hurry up!" Steve called back as he steal a running car from a stranger. You sprinted forward towards the car, sliding inside the passengers seat as you caught up with Steve just before he sped off. 

He speeds through the traffic, passing vehicles without stopping, until he was able to pass Black Panther. 

Whose still running.  

Who looks pissed.

Black Panther catches up with Steve again, jumping onto the back of the car and pulling himself up into it. 

"Steve, we got company." You told him as you saw Black Panther in the rear mirror trying to climb into the car.

Steve looked over at Black Panther and immediately swerved the wheel, trying to throw him off the back of the car. Unfortunately, that failed miserably as he held on tightly. "Sam, I can't shake this guy."

"Right behind you." Sam said through the comms. 

Sounds of siren echoed behind you but you ignored them and continued to chase after Bucky. Steve tried to turn the steering wheel, in another attempt to throw Black Panther off but failing yet again. 

You cursed under your breath as you saw officers and task force agents coming into view. "Make a turn." You urged Steve, not bothering with words. He swerved once more, now escaping the cops, while Black Panther continued to clamber up the back of the car.

Continuing to chase Bucky, who is now on a motorbike that he stole off someone, you and Steve finally managed to come up close behind him, when Black Panther jumped off the car and attempted to grab Bucky but he managed to choke him before he could reach him, throwing him to the pavement.

You two wasted no time in chasing after him again, Steve driving much faster than before. However, Bucky throw a bomb onto the ceiling that sent a huge explosion in the area, blowing up the upper portion of the tunnel, causing you both to lose control of your vehicle for a moment.

Fortunately enough, you two managed to get the car out of the mess safely before the car flies in the air several times. "Oh, that was fun. You should ask me for help more often." You joked, making Steve chuckle slightly, before rushing to Buck's side, tackling Black Panther to the floor. You followed behind them at a slower pace.

The officers and task force agents arrived, surrounding all of you with guns drawn. Rhodey also arrived at the scene shortly afterwards, his repulsor out and pointed towards all of you.

"Stand down, now." He demanded. "It's over." 

 You rolled your eyes at his attempt at being intimidating as Steve placed his shield on his back.

"Congratulations, Cap." Rhodey remarked sarcastically. "You're a criminal."

The authorities put Bucky on the ground and proceeded to cuff him, along with you, Sam and Steve.

The Black Panther just stood there silently watching the proceedings, raising his hands to take off his mask. It was the soon to be King of Wakanda, T'Challa.

Rhodey stared at him as he removed his helmet. "Your Highness."

[Not Edited]

Thank you for the reads and votes, beautiful people (╥﹏╥)

Sorry for the short chapter it's because I'm having health problems and have to stay in bed and not write as much as I want.:(

hope everyone is doing well! 

It will be longer once I get my shit together, hopefully! 

Anyways, hope you liked it, see you soon :) 

Love ya guys!!! 

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